해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Mouse Trap Board Game For Kids Ages 6 and Up (Amazon Exclusive)

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Make sure this fits by entering your model number.CLASSIC MOUSE TRAP GAMEPLAY: Do you remember playing the Mouse Trap game when you were a child? Introduce your kids to classic Mouse Trap gameplayFUN AND EXCITING KIDS\' BOARD GAME: Scurry-to-the-finish! This fun kids\' board game challenges players to get their mouse around the gameboard without getting trappedBUILD THE MOUSE TRAP: Take turns building the Mouse Trap while moving around the gameboard. Use the trap to capture opponents\' miceDON\'T GET TRAPPED: Try to be the last uncaptured mouse on the Mouse Trap gameboard to winGAME FOR 2 TO 4 PLAYERS: This fun board game is for 2 to 4 players; it\'s a great game for boys and girls ages 6 and up
Product Description Run, little mice, run! Many people played this board game as kids and new generations can enjoy classic gameplay with the Mouse Trap game. Players move their mouse pawn around the gameboard collecting cheese wedges and building the entertaining and crazy Mouse Trap contraption…but don\'t get trapped! The goal is to trap other players\' mouse pawns in the trap while trying to be the last player left. Kids and parents can enjoy lots of laughs while playing this board game together. Hasbro Gaming and all related terms are trademarks of Hasbro. Amazon.com Build a better mousetrap? We dare you. Naturally, the object is to trap mice in the mousetrap, while avoiding getting trapped. By rolling the die, you proceed around the game board, collecting cheese pieces and building a mousetrap bit by bit. Once complete, you set the wheels in motion, as it were, to try to capture the opposition\'s mice. But this is no ordinary trap. With this contraption you start by turning the crank, that rotates the gears, that push the lever, that moves the shoe, that kicks the bucket, that sends the ball down the stairs and into the gutter, that leads to the rod that releases a second ball, that falls through the bathtub and onto the springboard, that catapults the diver into the washtub, that causes the cage to fall and--whew!--hopefully, capture a mouse. The last "mouse" left uncaptured wins --Alison Golder Review For 2 to 4 players Includes game board, 4 plastic mice, 2 metal marbles, 25 mouse trap building parts and accessories, and 52 cheese pieces Instructions in English and Spanish Skills: counting, cooperation Supply is limited -- See more

2019-06-08 11:39:37

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