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Spectra Precision Laser LL300-2 Automatic Self-leveling Laser Level, 10-Foot Grade Rod and Tripod Kit

상품번호 B000ET20PK
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상품가격 $844.00
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Make sure this fits by entering your model number.Increases productivity with fast setups, fewer mechanical parts, and automatic self-levelingMaintains performance even in rainy, dusty and other harsh job site and weather conditionsDurable design reduces downtime due to drops and tripod tipoversMinimizes power costs, alkaline batteries packaged standard with kit. Rechargeable batteries available at extra costThe optional RC601 Remote Control gives you the ability to put the laser in manual mode for matching slope applicationsClass 2 Laser and <3.4mW (less than 3.4 Milliwatts)
Product Description Medium-range, highly accurate leveling solution The Spectra Precision LL300N Laser Level features a rugged design with a metal sunshade that provides superior drop and weather protection (IP66). Built to withstand severe drops of up to 3 ft (1 m) directly onto concrete, or up to 5 ft (1. 5 m) when pushed over on a tripod means less downtime and cost due to damage caused by accidental drop or tipover. . . and lower repair costs over the life of the product. Amazon.com Rugged enough for tough job-site use, the Spectra Precision Laser LL300 Level delivers automatic self-leveling performance to help you get work done quickly, accurately, and efficiently. Bundled with a 10 Foot Grade Rod (inches) and Tripod, the LL300 is a perfect choice for tackling elevation-control applications and handling concrete and other general construction jobs.The Spectra Precision LL300-2 Laser Level: Offers self-leveling for speed and accuracyWithstands 3' drops and 5' tripod tip-overs Is weather and dust proofComes with tripod kit and 10-Inch Grade Rod (inches) View a comparison of all lasers in this line. The optional CR600 receiver is available for use with this laser level. View larger. The LL300 is built to withstand the rigors of harsh climates. View larger. Built-in tripod mounts give you choice of horizontal or vertical mounting. View larger. Precise and Easy to Use for Improved Productivity Whether you're a landscaper, a pool contractor, or a do-it-yourselfer, easy-to-use tools and accurate measurements save you time and money.Since the Laser LL300 levels itself when turned on, setup is almost instantaneous, and you have fewer controls to worry about. With a self-leveling range of five feet (at 100 feet) in either direction, laser accuracy is always within 3/32 inch per 100 feet. The HI (height of instrument) Alert function will monitor the laser and should the laser be disturbed it will notify the user by turning off and blinking the HI light on the control panel. The Laser LL300 is ready to help you or your team get jobs done in the fastest, smartest way possible.Designed to Perform in Any Weather If you work outdoors in all kinds of conditions, you need to know that your tools can withstand the elements. With full weatherproofing and dust proofing, the rugged Laser LL300 offers serious protection from precipitation, humidity, and work site grime.It can withstand drops onto concrete of up to three feet and tripod tip-overs from heights up to five feet. This durable construction extends the life of your laser level, which means that you save money in the long run.The Laser LL300 is powered by four "D" batteries and offers a battery life of up to 90 hours with alkaline batteries (included), or 45 hours with rechargeable NiCad batteries (sold separately).Easy-to-Use Grade Rod and Tripod for Versatility Accurate elevation control helps you set up for projects such as cut/fill elevations and setting form. Using a reliable level and a grade rod that's easy to set up can make this an easy task, which is where the included 10 Foot Grade Rod and Tripod comes in. This 10’ grade rod features one-inch increments. Spectra Precision also offers the LL300 with a 10 Foot Grade Rod in tenths.What's in the Box Model LL300 Laser Level, 4 "D" cell alkaline batteries, 10 Foot Telescopic Grade Rod (inches),receiver and Tripod. From the Manufacturer The Spectra Precision Laser LL300 is an automatic self-leveling laser level that is rugged enough to survive drops of up to 1-Meter onto concrete and can be tipped on a tripod up to 1.5-Meters and keep working. This strength, combined with full weather and dust proofing, results in reduced downtime and lower repair cost over the life of the product. Combined with the 10-Inch Grade Rod(inches) and 2161 Tripod and you've got the LL300-2 Kit. See more

2020-05-12 20:32:07

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