해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Fox Racing Shox 980-02-238 FOX 2.0 Series Air Shock

상품번호 B009X1TSJQ
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상품구분 Automotive / Replacement Parts
브랜드 Fox Racing
판매자 Advance Cycle Parts
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $254.51
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Shock AbsorberFox 2.0 Factory Series Air Shock; Normal Valving; 2.0 X 18.0; 1-1/4 in. Shaft; Black/Zinc; Extended 44.83 in.; Collapsed 26.83 in.; Stroke 18.0 in.;FEATURES:Packed With 35 Years Of Race Winning TechnologyDurable Zinc Plated Seamless Alloy BodyFOX Racing Oil Developed For Ultimate PerformanceBlack Anodized CNC Machined Aluminum Components100% Serviceable And Tunable For Longer LifespanTeflon-Lined Heat-Treated Spherical BearingsRedundant Sealing System/Long Lasting PerformancePACKED RACE WINNING TECHNOLOGY; DURABLE ZINC PLATED SEAMLESS ALLOY BODY; HARD CHROMED 4130 ALLOY STEEL SHAFT; FOX RACING OIL DEVELOPED FOR ULTIMATED PERFORMANCE; BLACK ANODIZED CNC MACHINED ALUMINUM COMPONENTSFor 35 years, FOX Racing Shox has been the industry leader in the design and development of high performance shock absorbers and racing suspension products for snowmobiles, mountain bikes, motorcycles, ATVs and off-road cars and trucks. In 1974, Bob Fox started racing his products in motocross and we haven't stopped racing since. FOX Racing Shox equipped vehicles and racers have stood atop podiums in every sport we have competed in; from the sands of Baja to the dunes of Dakar. Our team of engineers perform rigorous tests with our athletes year round. The data we collect from performance testing and our application of that knowledge to our product is what separates FOX Racing Shox from every other suspension company.

2020-05-12 11:58:58

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