해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
48 Inch Glass Display Cabinet with 5 Height-Adjustable Glass Shelves and 10 Side Lights, Curio Cabinet with Lockable Sliding Door - Silver, MDF Base

상품번호 B00B5IVYY2
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상품구분 Home & Kitchen / Furniture
브랜드 Displays2go
판매자 DisplayShops
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $1,247.99
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5 height-adjustable glass shelves can be repositioned to a few different set height to accommodate larger-size collectibles.Ships fully assembled for easy setup!Lockable sliding glass doors allow for easy access to the interior of the case, without requiring the space needed for a hinged, swing-open door.10 side lights illuminated each shelf to highlight every detail of the items on display.Displays2go SKU#: GTEC48VLSV
This glass display cabinet is equipped with 5 height-adjustable glass shelves on which users can present an assortment of collectibles and products. The 48-inch-wide curio case has a few different fixed heights at which each shelf can be set. This is especially helpful when using the glass display cabinet to showcase large-size trophies and figurines. This curio case also includes (10) 20-watt lights along 2 sides of the fixture. This allows users to blanket their collectibles with lighting to highlight each and every detail. The glass display cabinet has silver MDF base, and an otherwise frameless design. The sliding glass doors have a plunger lock to keep displayed items protected at all times. A sliding glass door provides easy access to the interior of the case, without taking up much space. This is especially useful when placed in a small room or storefront window. Adjustable floor levelers ensure the curio cabinet is stable, even on carpeted flooring! Dimensions: Overall: 48"w x 76-1/2"h x 19"d Base: 6-3/4"h Shelf Dimensions: 47"w x 16"d Weight: 395 lbs.

2020-05-10 00:36:29

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