해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Cecilio CVN-300 Solidwood Ebony Fitted Violin with D'Addario Prelude Strings, Size 3/4

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상품구분 Musical Instruments / Band & Orchestra
브랜드 Brand: Cecilio
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $139.99
상품가격 상세보기

Great Violin For Beginners: The beginner violin is an ideal stringed musical instrument for any student who has dreams of playing music. The set includes all the necessities to start learning how to play.Elegant Design: As beautiful as most stringed musical instruments, these violins for beginners have a solid spruce top and antique finish with inlaid purfling. Along with an ebony fingerboard, pegged chin rest, and tailpiece, it is a work of artViolin Learning Kit Includes: Cecilio violin dressed in D\'Addario Prelude strings, 2 bows, an extra bridge, a quality rosin, adjustable shoulder rest with padding, a chromatic string tuner with metronome, and a lightweight hard case for transport.Basic Technique: Set includes a Mendini Violin First Lesson book with instruction on basic techniques and lessons on how to read music. Also, a companion download (available online) has exercises and pieces recorded with solo violin and piano accompaniment.Handle With Care: The adult or kids violin, like most band & orchestra musical instruments, is delicate. Please note the bridge will not be setup to avoid damage during shipping. NOTE: Tuning pegs must be handled with care and pushed in when adjusting.

2022-04-17 20:39:13

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