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TotalBoat 5:1 Epoxy Resin Kit (Quart, Slow Hardener), Marine Grade Epoxy for Fiberglass and Wood Boat Building and Repair

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상품가격 $54.99
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Make sure this fits by entering your model number.PREMIUM EPOXY KITS include enough 5 to 1 marine epoxy resin and hardener to complete a variety of boat building and epoxy repair projects For wood, fiberglass, reinforcement fabrics, etched aluminum, bare steel and lead Not for clear-coating projectsIDEAL VISCOSITY for wetting out fiberglass cloth and other reinforcement fabrics Self-leveling properties ideal for coating and laminating Combine with fillers to make a high-strength, moisture-resistant fairing compound, filleting material or adhesiveCHOOSE FAST OR SLOW HARDENER: Pot life ranges from 12 min at 75F for Fast Hardener, to 20 minutes at 75F for Slow Hardener Cures to a high-strength, moisture-resistant, light amber plastic solid that can be sanded and shapedCHOOSE FROM THREE EPOXY KIT SIZES: Quart, Gallon, and 5.45 Gallon, with your choice of TotalBoat 5 to 1 Fast or Slow Hardener All kits include resin, hardener, mixing sticks, and plastic mixing cups Compatible with other 5 to 1 epoxy resin systemsNote: Due to manufacturer shortages related to the current emergency, TotalBoat epoxy kits do not include dispensing pumps
TotalBoat 5:1 Epoxy Resin Kits contain the traditional 5:1 marine grade epoxy resin and hardener valued for high strength and moisture resistance. This premium epoxy kit is perfect for completing a variety of boat building and repair projects, whether for wood or fiberglass boats. Kits contain TotalBoat Traditional 5:1 Epoxy Resin and your choice of TotalBoat 5:1 Fast or 5:1 Slow Hardener, plus mixing supplies. The 5:1 epoxy resin and hardener components may be mixed by weight or volume for the exact ratio and a perfect cure every time. Choose TotalBoat 5:1 Fast Hardener when working in cooler temperatures (50-85°F). At 75°F, pot life is 12 minutes. Slow Hardener is best when working in warmer temperatures (70-95 degrees), or if you want to extend working times and cure times. At 75°F, pot life is 20 minutes.TotalBoat 5:1 epoxy resin system can be applied to fiberglass, reinforcement fabrics, wood, etched aluminum, and bare steel. This versatile, total boat epoxy resin system can also be combined with TotalBoat fillers and thickening agents to make a strong adhesive, filleting material, or fairing compound.Available in 3 sizes: quart, gallon, and 4-gallon kits. Quart kit includes 30 fl. oz. of epoxy and 6 fl. oz. of hardener. Epoxy Gallon kit includes 127 fl. oz. of resin with 25 fl.oz. oz of hardener. 4-gallon kit includes 4.5 gallons of epoxy and 1 gallon of hardener. Product can be applied by brush, roller, or syringe. It can also be poured and spread using a plastic resin spreader. 5:1 Epoxy Resin Kits can save you time and money on projects ranging from wet layups and laminating, to installing bulkheads. Compare TotalBoat 5:1 marine grade epoxy resin to West System epoxy 105 with 205 or 206 hardener, MAS epoxy resin, System Three, FGCI and West Marine epoxy resin. All TotalBoat products are developed for boaters, by boaters. We know what works and what doesn’t. 100% made in the USA.

2020-04-23 22:21:11

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