해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Bulova Men's 96B220 Classic Analog Display Japanese Quartz White Watch

상품번호 B00LMNB0YY
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상품구분 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry / Men
브랜드 Bulova
판매자 Jewellery Plus
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $134.35
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Made in USA or ImportedStainless steel chronograph watch with blue dialDomed mineral crystalJapanese-quartz movementCase diameter: 43mmWater resistant to 330 feet
From the Precisionist Collection. Featuring Bulova’s proprietary Precisionist quartz accuracy, in stainless steel with silver and black ion-plated finish, curved crystal, multiple-layer black carbon fiber, grey and silver dial, red continuously sweeping second hand, luminous hands and markers, curved calendar window, 24-hour track, screw-back case, screw-down crown, double-press fold-over clasp with safety lock, and water resistance to 300 meters.Precisionist TechnologyAt the heart of the watch is the Bulova Precisionist-class torsional resonator movement, custom-engineered to provide accuracy to within seconds a year using a three-prong quartz crystal that creates a vibration frequency of 262.144 kHz, the highest of any watch in the world and far greater than that of a standard quartz crystal. In laboratory testing, the Precisionist-class movement has been shown to be three times more accurate than standard quartz. This proprietary manufactured movement, including the signature floating second hand, also offers a resistance to gravitational error that makes it superior in performance to any mechanical watch on the market.Summary of FeaturesOne of the world’s most accurate movements – accurate to within seconds a yearPrecisionist-class torsional resonator movement proven in laboratory testing to be three times more accurate than standard quartz Stainless steel case and bracelet with black ion-plated accentsCurved mineral crystalMultiple-layer black carbon fiber, grey, and silver dialRed continuously sweeping second handLuminous hour and minute handsLuminous markersCurved calendar windowScrew-back caseScrew-down crownDouble-press fold-over clasp with safety lockWater resistant to 300 metersAbout BulovaIn 1875, Joseph Bulova, a 23-year-old immigrant, set up shop in New York City and a legendary American watch brand was born. Since then, Bulova has stood proudly in the vanguard of timekeeping innovation, committed to the legacy of creativity and excellence established by its founder.A pioneering force in the industry, Bulova transformed how watches were worn and how time was perceived, registering over 50 patents as he and his company built a record of creativity including the first full lines of men’s (1919) and ladies’ (1924) wristwatches, the first clock/radio (1928) and the first electric clock (1931). To ensure the utmost in precision, in 1920, Bulova even established its own observatory – located atop its New York skyscraper. With that same spirit of innovation, following World War II, determined “to serve those who served us,” Bulova established The Bulova School of Watchmaking, using new and unique methods to train disabled veterans for positions in the watch and jewelry industry. Then, in 1960, Bulova changed timekeeping forever with the revolutionary Accutron, the world’s first fully electronic watch. An integral component of U.S. space technology, Accutron timing was used on 46 NASA missions, including Apollo XI, the first lunar landing (1969).Today, as one of the world’s most recognized brands, Bulova has expanded across the globe, with four separate watch brands, Bulova, Bulova AccuSwiss, Bulova Accutron II and Caravelle New York, as well as the award-winning Bulova Clocks.The signature Bulova brand provides an extensive selection of watches for every occasion, crafted of the finest materials, including 315L surgical grade stainless steel, diamonds, mother-of-pearl, carbon fiber, top-quality leather and Bulova’s proprietary Duramic™ nylon/ceramic composite, and powered by Precisionist-class quartz, automatic and quartz movements. An industry leader in diamond watch styling, with the new Diamond Gallery offering exquisite designs in stainless steel with sapphire crystals, Bulova is also known for Precisionist, featuring Bulova’s proprietary Precisionist-class quartz torsional resonator movement for accuracy to within seconds per year, the Marine Star collection, combining high-performance sports timekeeping with superior durability and water resistance to a minimum of 100 meters, and a comprehensive selection of classic styles, each with a three-year limited warranty. From the Classic Collection. In stainless steel with domed crystal, blue bi-level sunray dial, calendar, second hand, luminous hands and markers, screw-back, double-press fold-over clasp, and water resistance to 100 meters. Diameter: 43.0mm

2020-05-12 12:37:55

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