해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
KKmoon 12V Ignition Switch Panel, 3 Toggle Switch & 1 Red Car Engine Start Push Button Panel with Indicator Light for DIY Racing Car Modification

상품번호 B01BV9CWW2
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상품구분 Automotive / Replacement Parts
브랜드 KKmoon
판매자 Dealauto
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $40.50
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Make sure this fits by entering your model number.Red engine start button with 3 toggle switch for additional use. Built in indicate light in ON/OFF switch and start button.100% DIY switch panel, perfectly for car modification. Made of carbon fiber, durable and comfortable touch feeling.Speeding racing style, give your car a sport and cool look.Comes with wires, relay, and screws for installation, convenient and safe asurance.It can be used as an auto ignition switch for racing cars & RV;as starting switch;storage battery switch; Chassis lamp;fog lamp;dome light
Professional racing style switch for car modification. Features: Red engine start button with 3 toggle switch for additional use. Made of carbon fiber, durable and comfortable touch feeling. Built in indicate light in ON/OFF switch and start button. Speeding racing style, give your car a sport and cool look. Comes with wires, relay, and screws for installation, convenient and safe asurance. 100% DIY switch panel, perfectly for car modification. Specifications: Material: Metal & Carbon Fiber Panel Dimension: approx. 15 * 6.7cm (Length * Width) Voltage: 12V Package Size: 20 * 16 * 7cm / 7.9 * 6.3 * 2.8in Package Weight: 366g / 13oz Package List: 1 * Racing Style Switch 1 * Wire 1 * Relay 4 * Screw

2020-06-17 00:19:57

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