해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Bows-N-Ties Men's Necktie Preppy Repp Striped Microfiber Satin Tie 3.1 Inches

상품번호 B06WLKQ4P8
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상품구분 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry / Men
판매자 미확인
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $18.90
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Includes 1 necktie wrapped individually in single plastic sleeve for protection from wrinkles and dirt. Each tie is self tied and does not come pre-tied.Classic necktie size: 58" x 3.1" (147cm x 7.8cm). The traditional length and modern width is perfect for men up to 6'2" tall.Material: High quality woven microfiber that is stain and wrinkle resistant. A shiny satin finish gives the pastel yellow and navy tie a professional, formal style that is perfect for any occasion inside or outside of work. Dry clean only.Available in 10 popular colors in a professional and trendy repp stripe design. Find a color for each special occasion or for everyday work wear. Perfect for anyone headed to a party, wedding, festival, the office, or holiday get together. Give the gift of style! These solid neckties make the perfect gift for birthdays, Christmas, Father's Day, or any special occasion.Made by Bows-N-Ties. A family-owned online necktie retailer for 10 years. Quality and satisfaction guaranteed. This yellow and blue mens necktie will easily pair with suits of all colors. The bright color makes it a good candidate for spring and summer wear.

2020-05-12 23:04:33

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