해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Pineapple Stash Box Combo with Lock - Glass stash jar Locking Stash Boxes - Engraved Wood Bamboo Box - Smell Proof Stash Box (Pineapple)

상품번호 B077YB2L5B
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브랜드 Swagstr Grinders
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상품가격 $42.95
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Make sure this fits by entering your model number.★ PREMIUM STASH BOX COMBO - Pineapple Stash Box Combo includes a pineapple grinder, Glass Stash Jar and Rolling Tray! Grinder and jar rest safely inside the cushioned inner platform. Perfect for travel!★ LOCK YOUR BOX! - Box comes with a lock and key for added safety.★ ORGANIZE YOUR BOX - Comes 60ml glass stash jar, grinder and rolling tray with a pineapple logo.★ PINEAPPLE DESIGN - A pineapple is widely recognized as a sign of welcome and hospitality. Brought over from the new world on Columbus’s 2nd expedition in 1493, the uniquely shaped fruit became a symbol for sea captains, who would spike the fruit on their fence post after a successful voyage. This was a sign to friends and neighbors to come share in the wonderful bounty. Show the Pineapple symbol in your home as a sign of warmth, welcome, friendship and hospitality.★ 100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEE! To demonstrate our confidence in the quality and integrity of stash box combo we offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee or your money back. No questions asked. Also, makes a great gift! Buy with Confidence!
Color:Pineapple PINEAPPLE STASH BOX COMBO WITH LOCK & ROLLING TRAY - Combo Includes a matching 4 piece titanium grinder, smell proof stash jar, and rolling tray that fit neatly inside the Locking Stash Box. Stash Box Combo details: PREMIUM TITANIUM GRINDER: • Four piece titanium grinder with fifty diamond blades in the main chamber. • Stainless Steel 100 micron Screen. • Precision Milled Holes in the center chamber. • Powerful Neodymium Magnet to create a tight seal. • CNC machined from a single piece of 100% Pure Steel with zero alloys! • Textured Finger Grips for a slip free grind! Size: Diameter 2.5” x 2.0” (63mm). UV STASH JAR • Ultraviolet protection. • Eco-friendly, BPA, and Lead Free! • Screw top lid for an airtight smell proof seal. Full Size Pineapple Stash Jar: 2.75” Tall x 2.25” Wide WOOD STASH BOX • Premium engraved tree of life design. • Premium bamboo wood with a natural stain inside and out! • Locking metal latch with key. Size: 6” Wide x 4” Deep x 3” Tall HIGH END DESIGN: Handcrafted locking boxes with a custom pineapple design! The original Pineapple Stash Box!! 100% satisfaction or your money back! No questions asked. Click the 'Add To Cart' button to order the original Pineapple Stash Box Combo today!

2020-03-13 23:11:08

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