해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Offroad Mama Jeep Wrangler Windshield Sunshade Sun Shade for 2007-2021 Jeep Wrangler JK JKU JL JLU Jeep Windshield Sun Shade for UV and Heat ProtectionFree Window Decal Included

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상품구분 Automotive / Interior Accessories
브랜드 Offroad Mama
판매자 OM Online LLC
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $29.97
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Make sure this fits by entering your model number.Are you tired of having a plain Sunshade for your Jeep or FJ Cruiser? You're Not An Average Girl. It's time for a Jeep Windshield Sunshade or FJ Cruiser Sunshade that Matches your Personality!Custom Fit for all of your Jeep Wrangler JK and JL Models and FJ Cruiser Front Windshield Sun ShadeProtect your Vehicle Interior from Sun Damage and Help Reduce Interior Temperature in Hot Weather while looking Stylish and SassyEasy to Use and Easy to Store! Accordion Fold with Two Elastic Bands to keep closed for Convenient Storage when not in use****Includes our Awesome Round Logo on a 5 inch Window Decal****
Are you tired of having a plain Sunshade for your Jeep or FJ Cruiser? You're Not An Average Girl. It's time for a Jeep Windshield Sunshade or FJ Cruiser sunshade that Matches your Personality! **Plus we are now including a 5 inch Round Window Decal to add to your window's decal collection.** This Offroad Mama Brand Jeep Wrangler JK,JKU,JL,JLU Windshield Sun Shade and FJ Cruiser Windshield Sunshade helps Protect your Vehicle Interior from Damaging Sun Rays and helps Reduce Interior Temperature in hot weather. Custom fit designed perfectly for your Jeep Wrangler JK,JKU, JL and JLU (2007-2021) and FJ Cruiser (all years). Extended size of 52 inches long and 16 inches high fold accordion style down to 5 inches wide and 16 inches long. Two elastic bands hold it closed for convenient storage under the seat or between the front seat and the center console. -------Fun Design for Jeep Girls------- Easy Installation: -Unfold inside the vehicle -Place across the dash -Raise the sunshade until it is flat against the inside of the windshield -Lower the sun visors in order to hold the sunshade in place Easy Storage: -Accordion Fold and two elastic bands to keep it from unfolding -Fits perfectly between the console and the front seat or under the seat **Warning: Remove Sunshade from the windshield before driving** Includes Windshield Sunshade, Installation Instructions and our awesome 5 inch round Window Decal.

2020-05-12 06:25:54

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