해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
10Pcs 15mm-50mm Forstner Drill Bit Sets, Tungsten Steel Woodworking Hole Saw Cutter Set Forstner Auger Drill Bits Wooden Hole Opener Boring Bits DIY Wood Work Cutting Drilling Power Tools

상품번호 B07DDNR4GD
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상품구분 Tools & Home Improvement / Power & Hand Tools
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상품가격 $40.99
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Make sure this fits by entering your model number.Made from Tungsten steel and being hot-treated, the blade is characterized by high accuracy, smooth cutting operation, good resistance to shock and good toughnessIndividual Titanium Coated Forstner Bits for use on Wood, For drilling holes in any direction and making arched openingsPrecision ground for heavy use and easily resharpened, they can enlarge existing holes with ease and can bore any arc of a circle2 spurs, 2 precision ground cutting edges, long-lasting cutting performance, drill precise flat bottom holes with no chipping in any thickness of soft wood, for drilling holes in any direction and making arched openings10Pcs/set include 10 different boring diameters: 15mm/16mm/18mm/20mm/22mm/25mm/30mm/32mm/35mm/50mm
Wide Application: Used for wood, particle board, top drawer, plywood, etc.. Applicable to the pistol drill, bench drill, vertical drilling machine etc Excellent workmanship: The effective depth is deeper, and easily resharpened, they can enlarge existing holes with ease and can bore any arc of a circle Individual Titanium Coated Forstner Bits for use on Wood, For drilling holes in any direction and making arched openings Drill precise flat bottom holes with no chipping in any thickness of soft wood Designed to drill flat bottom or through holes cleanly in end grain, thin stock, veneers, and regular stock For drilling holes in any direction and making arched openings The drilling efficiency is higher with the three teeth cutter head. In design with curve, the head is good at removing the debris and working efficiently. Sharp and durable, strong to handle Works with an electric drill (not included Specification: Material: Tungsten steel 10Pcs/set include 10 different boring diameters: 15mm/16mm/18mm/20mm/22mm/25mm/30mm/32mm/35mm/50mm Package content: 1 x 15mm(0.59") Forstner Auger Drill Bit 1 x 16mm(0.63") Forstner Auger Drill Bit 1 x 18mm(0.71") Forstner Auger Drill Bit 1 x 20mm(0.79") Forstner Auger Drill Bit 1 x 22mm(0.87") Forstner Auger Drill Bit 1 x 25mm(1") Forstner Auger Drill Bit 1 x 30mm(1.18") Forstner Auger Drill Bit 1 x 32mm(1.26") Forstner Auger Drill Bit 1 x 35mm(1.38") Forstner Auger Drill Bit 1 x 50mm(2") Forstner Auger Drill Bit

2020-05-12 18:21:32

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