해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
NANROBOT D5+ 10" 2000W Motor Powerful Electric Scooter Adult Foldable Speed 40MPH 50 Miles Long Range

상품번호 B07J2HGJMH
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상품구분 Sports & Outdoors / Outdoor Recreation
판매자 미확인
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상품가격 $1,399.00
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Make sure this fits by entering your model number.★ POWERFUL MOTOR: Two independent 1000W motors control to the front and rear wheels , up to 2000W motor power in All-Wheel Drive mode.Powerful motors allow for a top speed of 40 MPH.★ HIGH-POWER BATTERY: Equipped with 52V 26AH lithium battery, can drive 50 miles, charging time is 3h.★ PORTABLE FOLDING DESIGN: Easy to fold design, can be placed at home or carried with you. Folding size: 45.2inch*9.4inch*11.8inch.★ 10" TIRES: Making the NANROBOT the ultimate commuting scooter for overcoming treacherous city streets.★ FRONT AND REAR LIGHTS: There are lights on the front and rear to make the ride safer and equipped with an LED display.The shipping method is UPS, usually arrives in 4-10 days.Frame warranty period: 2 years; motor warranty period: 365 days; battery warranty period: 180 days.
Specification: Frame material: aluminum alloy Net weight: About 70lbs Folding size: 45.2inch*9.4inch*11.8inch Wheel Diameter: 10 inch Mileage: 50 miles (under nomal terrin and medium weight) Maximum speed: 40 MPH Load capacity: MAX 330lbs Type: Commuter and leisure electric scooter Tire: High quality tire Lithium battery: 52V 26AH Charger: Smart Lithium battery charger (Charging time: 3h ) Motor: 2000W high speed brushless gear motors The shipping method is UPS, usually arrives in 4-10 days. NOTE:If you have any questions, please contact us and we will get back to you in the first time.Quality issues we will provide a warranty.

2019-03-29 11:04:39

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