해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Yoga4You Aerial Yoga Swing Set - Yoga Hammock Swing - Trapeze Yoga Kit - Extension Straps eBook - Wide Flying Yoga Inversion Tool - Antigravity Ceiling Hanging Toga Sling - Adult Kids Arial

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Blue Yoga Swing equipment set for beginners and professionals consists of: - Long and wide trapeze seat (98x59in) made of silk nylon fabric (max 600 lbs) with 2 heavy duty carabiners, 2 ropes and 6 fixators - 2 inversion tool arms. Each of them includes 3 comfortable and soft foam handles, 1 black flat steel carabiner, and 9 fixators - 2x50" durable daisy chains - 2 portable travel bags - for yoga hammock and daisy chains - Mounting and hanging Instructions + eBook to make first steps with aerial yoga hammock Mounting accessories (suspension ceiling hooks) are NOT included. Turn the world upside down! Get your own yoga aerial trapeze inversion tool today! It is suitable for men, women (uni sex), and kids. Take your portable best yoga swing out, set up on a tree and enjoy training and meditation session outside on fresh air. Install best aerial yoga hammock at home, indoor, outdoor or at gym. You can use an exposed beam, ceiling, pull up bar, even door frame to set up yoga aerial trapeze. The Benefits of inversion therapy: - Builds core and upper body strength - Blood circulation and aids digestion improving - Spinal decompression and spine muscles relaxation - Flexibility and coordination improving - Lymphatic cleansing and circulation - The release of oxytocin, the hormone of happiness - Creativity stimulation and memory improving - Renewal of the mind and deep relaxation

2019-03-13 00:28:27

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