해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
SALTED LINE 60M/195FT Waterproof housing for A6xxx Series (Black) for a6500 a6400 a6300 a6100 / GEN 3

상품번호 B07NVG2Z89
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상품구분 Electronics / Camera & Photo
브랜드 Brand: SALTED LINE
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Make sure this fits by entering your model number.Please note! Sony A6600 Camera is NOT COMPATIBLE with this product!Compatible cameras: Sony a6500, Sony a6400, Sony a6300, Sony a6100, Sony a6000. This unit will work only with cameras mentioned and not any other camera model or brand!The housing from the package comes ready to be used with Sony A6100, A6300, A6400 or A6500 camera. The swap kit is only to be used if your camera is Sony A6000.Zoom function is available for Sony E 10-18mm f/4 OSS & Sony E PZ 16-50mm f/3.5-5.6 OSS Lenses. All control accessibility same as on your camera.This unit doesn\'t have a 67mm thread at the front of a port, so it is not possible to attach WET 67mm accessories such as filters or lenses!
Compatible cameras: Sony a6000 Sony a6100 Sony a6300 Sony a6400 Sony a6500 Compatible lenses: Sony E 10-18mm f4 OSS (Autofocus only, Manual zoom available) Sony E 16-50mm f3.5-5.6 PZ OSS (Autofocus only, Manual zoom available) Sony E 18-55mm f3.5-5.6 OSS (Autofocus only) Sony E 20mm f2.8 (Autofocus only) Sony E 30mm f3.5 e-mount Macro (Autofocus only) Sony FE 28mm f2 (Autofocus only) Sony E 35mm f1.8 OSS (Autofocus only) Sony E 50mm f1.8 OSS (Autofocus only) Sigma 19mm f2.8 DN Art E mount (Autofocus only) Sigma 30mm f1.4 DC DN E mount (Autofocus only) Sigma 30mm f2.8 EX DN E mount (Autofocus only) Sigma 60mm f2.8 DN Art E mount (Autofocus only) Samyang 12mm F2 NCS CS (No manual focus) Key Features: Inbuilt leak sensor Port for Fiber optic cable Port for vacuum test system Two 1/4" -20 threaded holes Interchangeable port system High quality optical viewfinder Double sided metal hinge lock Zoom control for 10-18mm & 16-50mm lens Detachable grip with 2 stage trigger (Not Included) Multi coated optical glass standard flat port Technical Specifications: Width: 20cm (7.8") Height: 15cm (5.9") Length: 18cm (7") Weight: ±1356 GR (2.9 LBS) Accessible Controls: Shutter button ON/OFF Mode selector/Control dial Flash button MENU button AF/MF - AEL Enlarge button Video record button FN button Control wheel Center button C1/C2 button C3/delete button Playback button Zoom control for 10-18mm & 16-50mm lenses Package Includes: Underwater housing with standard flat port / GEN 3 Neoprene housing cover Swap kit for Sony A6000 camera Zoom gear ring for 16-50mm lens Zoom gear ring for 10-18mm lens Sun glare hood Silicone grease (5ml) User manual

2020-03-13 11:00:39

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