해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Fulton Dual Deluxe Stackable Featherboards with Riser Blocks Aluminum Miter Lock Bar and T Bolt Hardware for Track or Miter Slot Mounting Ideal for Table Saws Router Tables and Band Saws

상품번호 B07QCQCMB8
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상품가격 $24.99
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What is a featherboard you might ask? Is it something I need for my workshop? Well the short answer is yes. Anyone who has a table saw or router table should seriously consider having at least one. Most work shops have more than one handy at any given time. Featherboards are simple devices that help keep your stock up against the fence your running your stock on. They generally act like a third hand by helping you control your stock while you push your stock through.The Fulton Dual Deluxe Stacked Featherboard can be used as one unit or can be separated and used for vertical and horizontal applications. When the featherboards are stacked with the included 2” tall spacers, you’ll have a full 3-7/8” worth of holding pressure height. This means you can hold taller stock for re-sawing projects on table saws and band saws! When using the featherboards separately, one can be installed into a miter slot and the other can be installed into a track on a fence.Many featherboards come with a miter bar locking system that typically do not fit very well. We identified this issue and have redesigned the miter bar making it far more secure and easier to lock into your miter track. The aluminum bar is longer than older designs and is a bit more narrow in the center. This means that when the knob is secured and the bolt is properly seated, the bar spreads out much better than before and creates a nice tight fit into your miter track.This dual featherboard also includes 1½” long ¼” x 20tpi t-bolts. This gives you the option to mount the featherboards into small t-track slots. These t-track slots are most commonly used on router table tops and router table fences. This means you can use the featherboard vertically on a router table fence or horizontally laying flat on a router table or table saw top surface.The dual featherboard comes with all the necessary hardware to get going right out of the box. Each featherboard measures approximately 7¾” tall by 7-1/8” wide which is ideal for most workshop fences and table saw tops. Please keep in mind that some job site table saws and router tables have a short distances from the end of the table to the cutter or blade. The featherboard must be completely inside the track or slot in order for it to properly work.

2020-03-14 01:30:56

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