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Samsung QN65Q90RA 65" Q90 QLED Smart 4K UHD TV (2019 Model) with Microsoft Xbox One X 1TB Console Bundle

상품번호 B07RBFRBX4
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Make sure this fits by entering your model number.Samsung AUTHORIZED DEALER - Includes Full Samsung USA WARRANTYSamsung QN65Q90RA 65" Q90 QLED Smart 4K UHD TV (2019 Model)With four times the resolution of Full HD, and over a billion shades of color discover what you've been missing with this brilliant, crisp and clear picture.INCLUDED IN THE BOX: Samsung Q90 65" Class HDR 4K UHD Smart QLED TV - Smart Remote Control with Batteries - One Connect Box - One Invisible Connection Cable - Power Cable - Limited 1-Year WarrantyBUNDLE INCLUDES: Samsung QN65Q90RA 65" Q90 QLED Smart 4K UHD TV (2019 Model) - Microsoft Xbox One X 1TB Console Bundle
Get a lifelike viewing experience with this 65-inch Samsung Smart 4K TV. Native 4K resolution and Quantum HDR 16X technology deliver breathtaking images with realistic details, vibrant colors and rich, deep shadows. See incredible detail just as the director intended with Direct Full Array 16X. Quantum Processor 4K intelligently optimizes content for 4K clarity, color and HDR. This Samsung Smart 4K TV uses its 65-inch screen and Ultra Viewing Angle technology to deliver big, bold images that are easy to see from anywhere in the room.QLED 4K UHD and 100% Color Volume - with Quantum DotsWith four times the resolution of Full HD, and over a billion shades of color discover what you've been missing with this brilliant, crisp and clear picture.The power of less - One Invisible ConnectionOne slim cable combines your power and video gear into a single connection to the TVSee the picture - Boundless DesignThe stunning, clean back and virtually bezel-free design keeps your focus on the incredible picture.FeaturesDirect Full Array 16XConcentrated zones of precision-controlled LEDs display ultra-deep blacks and pure whites.Quantum processor 4KAn intelligently powered processor instantly upscales content for sharp detail and refined color.Ultra viewing angleEngineered to reduce glare and enhance color, providing a vibrant picture no matter where you sit.Quantum HDR 16XDiscover a new frontier of spectacular color and incredible detail, just as the director intended....

2020-05-11 00:58:50

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