해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
NUMIFUN Mini USB Humidifier with 7 LED Warm Lights, Small Humidifier for Desk Travel Office Car Bedroom, Quiet Operation and Auto Timer Shut-Off, 240ml Portable and Personal Humidifier (Blue)

상품번호 B07S21LHK6
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상품구분 Home & Kitchen / Heating, Cooling & Air Quality
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상품가격 $9.99
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?【MULTIFUNCTIONAL HUMIDIFIER】: This deks humidifier has a USB port on the top and came with a little fan & a little usb light accessories.You can use it: as a air humidifier, a night light, a reading light or a personal fan. Since it is powered with an usb cord, it can also be used in the car so it’s also great for road trips and camping.?【QUIET DESING & BPA-FREE】: This mini humidifier is very quiet, less than 30dB. perfect for desktop or bedroom use.BPA-free material ensures that it’s 100% healthy for babies and kids while operating. It's the best Thanksgiving day gift for family.?【TWO MIST MODE &7 COLOR LED LIGHT】: This 240ml portable humidifier has two mist spray mode: Continuous spray mode for 4 hours and intervally spray mode for 8 hours. It produces 35ml/h spary mist.7 color-changing LED lights can also create a warm and romantic environment.?【WATERLESS AUTO SHUT-OFF】: This plants humidifier built-in water level sensor, automatically power off when water level is lower than the safe level. It also came with timing mode by default,the device will automatically turns off to protect the device within the specified time (4H timing during continous mode, 8H timing during intervally mode)?【QUALITY GURANTEE & CARING CUSTOMER SUPPORT】: 100% satisfaction guarantee, 30 days return policy and 1 year warranty. Caring customer support 7 days a week, If there are any problems, please do not hesitate to email us, we will solve it for you within 24 hours.
Color:Blue 【User Tips / Trouble Shooting】: 1,Why it can't spray at the beginning? 1) Please make sure it the cotton filter absorb water enough: filled with enough water and wait around 10 minutes. Or take the cotton bar out to soak completely in water. 2) Please check the spring on the cotton bar bottom located well. 3) Please check the USB cable is ok or not. 2, Why it stop spraying /no mist out after using a while? 1) The spray mouth was blocked by dirty dust, it need to clean regularly.——Please help to check whether the spray mouth located with a white dirty (if your tap water is hard water, there will be some calcium material to block the spray mouth).Please take out the wet cotton filter to insert it into the spry mouth and rotate the filter lightly to clean the spray mouth. ——Please use tap water instead of pure water.2)The cotton filter is dirty, and the mist can't spray out well.——Please exchange the filter cotton. You can buy it by searching "NUMIFUN M11 filter" on amazon.——Please do not add essential oil into the water.【Specifications】 Size:6.37*2.54*2.54 inches Water Tank Capacity: 240 ml Mist Output: 35 ml/h Power Source: DC 5V Material: ABS+PP+Silicone 【Package】: 1*humidifier 1*usb cable 1*usb fan 1*usb LED light 1*use manual

2020-05-09 21:28:07

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