해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
eXtremeBee Soft Touch Grip Back Plate for Nintendo Switch Console, NS Joycon Handheld Controller Housing with Colored Buttons, DIY Replacement Shell Case for Nintendo Switch Joy-Con (L/R) (Clear)

상품번호 B07ZRF43TC
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상품구분 Video Games / Nintendo Switch
브랜드 Brand: KOFOT
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 가격문의
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? [Unique Design] Precise cutout and 100% original size, Perfect fit. Custom designed replacement housing to perfectly fit for Nintendo Switch console and Joycon.? [Stylish Appearance] Multiple color choices with color buttons to add much more personality to your Switch.? [Perfect touch] Made of durable ABS material, great smooth grip, soft in hand and feels silky. Anti slip, sweat free for a long period game playing. Enjoy your gaming experience.? [Easy to Install] Get an installation video guide on YouTube by searching "Replacement Guide for Nintendo Switch Shell". Combine the tools we provide to make your installation process easier.? [Lifetime Warranty Service] You are protected by no-hassle refund service. If you are not satisfied with the product(except the delivery issue), we will refund you with no question or asking.
Tired of your boring old gray standard color? Please look over! eXtremeBee offer the perfect customization options for DIY enthusiasts of Switch. Advantages of our replacement case: 1.Made of durable ABS material,this replacement shell case is hard with smooth surface and nice touch feeling, which makes you enjoy a better gaming experience in playing video games. 2.Multiple color choices with color buttons to add much more personality to your Switch. You can change the case as you like and give your case a new look. 3.You can have a lot of fun by DIY your personalized Switch Console and Joycon with this innovative replacement case. Package includes: 1 x Soft Touch Grip Back Plate for Nintendo Switch Console 1 x Replacement case for Switch Joy-Con (Left and Right) 1 x Set of buttons (Arrow and ABXY) 24 x Philips screws Your satisfaction is our #1 priority. If you have any problems with it or questions, please contact with us here, we will try to help, replace or refund your money back 100%.

2020-03-13 19:20:21

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