해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Mirrorize Mina Decorative Modern Wood Frame Round Mirror, 30" Diameter, Walnut Brown

상품번호 B0815QZL9P
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상품가격 $128.99
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Make sure this fits by entering your model number.WoodMAKES A SMALL ROOM LOOK BIGGER: Adding a large decorative wall mirror instantly double the light and visual depth in a small room, making the space appear largerSAFE AND EASY TO INSTALL: Our round mirror glass is safely custom inlaid and protected by the surrounding frame construction. The bathroom mirror is recessed into the deep frame and floated from the frame edges. The circle mirror comes with 2 reinforced D-ring hanging clips and is ready to hang.VERSATILE AND MULTIPURPOSE MIRROR: This circle mirrors for wall is very classy and modern suitable for any home decor theme. Suitable for bedrooms, bathroom decor, hallway decor, entryway mirror, vanity mirror, living room mirror or farmhouse mirror making any space feel brighter and larger.EXCEPTIONAL QUALITY: We use high quality materials. Our round mirrors are made to strict gold standards.SATISFACTION OR YOUR MONEY BACK: Mirrorize is committed to the highest levels of quality and excellence and stand behind every product we make. We know you’re going to love your purchase but if you’re not completely thrilled for any reason (or even no reason at all), simply contact us within 30 days of receiving your order and we’ll happily resolve the matter or issue a full refund.
A simplistic and versatile modern mirrorIt’s reflective surface helps to attract natural and artificial light, instantly making the room appear larger and brighterMirrors are a great way to open up space and bring lightness to any room, but beyond that, they are a fantastic way to add style and finesse as well. This mirror can be a much-needed accessory which is also fun to and also can be used as a real focal point of your home. With the round shape of this Mirrorize Mirror, function never looked so fashionable. The gorgeous wood frame has a smooth, sturdy appearance creating a modern take on an art deco design. Used on its own or in combination with your other home decor items, this mirror is sure to fit in with your best look, creating an eye-catching display of pure inspiration. The shape will be a great way to break up the straight lines of a gallery display or just the right size for a smaller wall space. Hang directly above a sink, making it just perfect as a simple vanity. The outside diameter of this round mirror is 30 inches x 2. 0 inches deep. The actual mirror is 28. 5 inches in diameter.

2020-05-11 00:05:40

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