해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
VEVOR Commercial Dough Roller Sheeter 15.7inch Electric Pizza Dough Roller Machine 370W Automatically Suitable for Noodle Pizza Bread and Pasta Maker Equipment

상품번호 B081MWXKV1
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상품가격 $1,169.99
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Make sure this fits by entering your model number.【Pizza Dough Roller】- Dough Weight: 50-500g, Pizza Diameter: 10-40cm/4-15.7in,Our product has passed CE international certification.Wide access quickly and easily roll out 4-15.7 inch Pizza dough,produces up to 250 pieces per hour.【Adjustable Rollers】- Two adjustable rollers for you to get different thickness of dough sheet,Roller opening width is ranging from 0.5mm/0.02in to 5mm/0.2in.Just cut a dough into the approximate shape with a knife or other tools, such as rectangles, squares, and roll the dough by our machine【Durable Material】- Constructed of food-grade stainless steel housing, premium plastic cover and nylon rollers, our product is designed for long-lasting use,The dough sheeter has solenoid waterproof switch,anti-corrosion and leakage protection,high-intensity stop structure.【Transparent Covers】- Transparent safety covers covering top and bottom rollers for easy operation. The whole process can be seen directly. Transparent safety covers for both top and bottom rollers.Transparent visual PP plastic shell, strong, safe, non-toxic, and prevent accidental injury.【Wide Use】- Great for home or commercial use. Can be used to make different shape of dough sheet,perfect for sheeting all types of dough including pie crusts, pitas, tortillas and flat breads.
Commercial Dough Roller Sheeter 15. 7inch Electric Pizza Dough Roller Machine 370W Automatically Suitable for Noodle Pizza Bread and Pasta Maker Equipment The Dough Roller machine is a food machine that replaces the traditional handmade and noodles after mixing the flour with water. It can be used to make noodles, dumplings, steamed stuffed bun,cakes, bread, Toast etc. Dough Weight: 50-500g, Pizza Diameter: 10-40cm/4-15. 7in, Our product has passed CE international certification. Wide access quickly and easily roll out 4-15. 7 inch Pizza dough, produces up to 250 pieces per hour. The dough is pressed by the machine have high toughness, resistance to boiling and breakage, and are suitable for family hotels, hotel canteens, pastry factories, and bread factories. Features Adjustable Rollers Cooling System Upgrade Design Transparent Safety Covers Parameter Voltage: 110V; Frequency: 60Hz; Motor Power: 370W Pizza Diameter: 10-40cm/4-15. 7inch Dough Weight: 50-500g(0. 11-1. 1LBS) Upper Rollers Length: 290mm/11. 4inch Lower Rollers Length: 420mm/16. 5inch Roller Opening Width: 0. 5-5. 5mm/0. 02-0. 2inch Machine Dimensions: 495x490x640mm/19. 5 X 19. 3 X 25inch Machine Weight : 39KG/86LBS Package Information 1 x Pizza Dough Roller Sheeter 1 x Introduction Manual

2022-03-30 20:56:59

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