해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
(Renewed) Samsung Galaxy Tab S6 10.5', 128GB WiFi Tablet Mountain Gray - SM-T860NZAAXAR

상품번호 B081S765CQ
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상품가격 $364.99
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Make sure this fits by entering your model number.2-IN-1 TABLET: Instantly transform your Android tablet into a PC-like experience when you attach the keyboard with a built-in trackpadFINGERPRINT SCANNER: Keep more of what�s yours, yours. When you�re ready to unlock, simply touch the in-display fingerprint scanner and you�re inBATTERY BACK-UP: With up to 18 hours on a full charge, you can create and edit all day, plus enjoy continuous browsing and streaming. Then quickly recharge the Fast-Charging batteryADDITIONAL FEATURES: Access your phone from your Galaxy Tab S6. Make and take calls or read, respond and scroll through texts. Plus, calls and messages are synced so you can pick up right where you left offCAPTURE A WIDER VIEW: Whether you�re capturing an adventure or updating your website with the wide 13MP and ultra-wide 5MP dual camera. Use the 8MP front camera to video chat, collaborate and present
Qualcomm 855 octa core processor Internal memory of 6GB (RAM) and 128GB storage 8MP front camera 13MP and 5MP rear camera 10.5-inch super AMOLED edge-to-edge display Bluetooth v5.0 (LE up to 2 Mbps) Bixby Voice assistant In-display fingerprint scanner Quad speakers tuned by AKG S Pen included

2020-05-11 10:12:14

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