해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Cube2 5 Tools in 1 Pool Cue Tip Maintenance, Tapper, Perforator, Shapers - The Last Tip Tool You'll Ever Need!

상품번호 B0842YJT4H
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브랜드 Cue Tools
판매자 Bulletproof Enterprise
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $19.95
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Make sure this fits by entering your model number.SHAPER - Nickel, Dime and Penny radius machined teeth to shape all types of tips!AERATOR - Nearly 100 steel needles to perforate even the hardest leather tips!TAPPER - Machined tapper on one side gives you more options to get the texture of your tip just right!MONEY BACK GUARANTEE - If this isn't the best tip tool you have ever used simply return anytime for a full refund!
CUBE2 is a classic work of modern art with unbeatable functionality! Absolutely the best looking tool on the market today. What once was just a block of aluminum has now been transformed into an original masterpiece. Nickel, dime and penny radius machined shapers, Tapper and nearly 100 steel needles to aerate even the hardest leather tips…CUBE2 is finally the tool you have been waiting for! Designed by a pool player FOR pool players this is the tool you have always dreamed about but hasn’t existed until today! All machined with nothing to wear out or replace…About the size of a cube of chalk, we are sure you will find this to truly be the favorite tool in your bag. **This listing is for 1 Cube2 tip shaper tool**

2020-03-14 03:11:58

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