해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
ASUS ExpertBook B9 Thin Light Business Laptop 14” FHD Intel Core i7-10510U 512GB SSD 16GB RAM Military Grade Durable Up to 24hr Battery Webcam Privacy Shield Win 10 Pro Black B9450FA-XS74

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Make sure this fits by entering your model number.Professional-grade performance: Intel Core i7-10510U Processor with 512GB SSD, 16GB RAM, and Windows 10 ProExtreme military-grade durability: Panel pressure, shock, and drop tested to ensure resilience, with a 180-degree hinge and I/O ports (1x USB 3.2 Type-A (Gen 2), 2x Thunderbolt 3, Gig+ Wi-Fi 6 802.11ax, Bluetooth 5.0, HDMI, micro HDMI to RJ45 Cable, and microSD card reader)Lasts longer and charges faster: Up to 24 hours of battery life on a single charge and recharges up to 60% capacity in 45 minutesUnrivaled visuals and security: 14-inch Full HD anti-glare NanoEdge display with built-in protection of a webcam privacy shield, IR camera, Kensington lock, TPM, and fingerprint sensorLightweight and portable: 2.2-pound lightweight magnesium lithium alloy chassis and ultrathin 0.6-inch designGreat for Work Anywhere: Spill-resistant keyboard, backlit keyboard, Harman Kardon speakers, ASUS NumberPad, and the ability to tune out background noise with ASUS noise-canceling technology
Style:Intel Core i7-10510U | 512GB SSD The ASUS ExpertBook B9450 business laptop deftly combines power and precision to give you complete control of your business. This work laptop features an Intel Core i7-10510U processor for professional-grade performance, with a 512GB SSD and 16GB of RAM for high-capacity storage and superior multitasking performance. Stringent in-house testing gives you peace of mind transporting the durable laptop to-and-from the office and around the world, with panel pressure, shock, and drop tests to ensure military-grade durability and a spill-resistant keyboard design. Whether you’re in a meeting, at a coffee shop, or on an airplane, enjoy up to 24 hours of battery life on a single charge, with fast-charge technology that recharges the battery up to 60% capacity in as little as 45 minutes. A 14-inch Full HD NanoEdge display delivers an immersive, nearly edge-to-edge viewing experience, while the featherlight, 0.6-inch magnesium lithium alloy chassis weighs only 2.2 pounds for ideal portability. Despite its thin profile, the ASUS ExpertBook B9 has plenty of I/O ports, including Thunderbolt™ 3 for lightning fast data transfers, video output and fast-charge support. Advanced security features include USB port control, a Kensington lock slot, TPM, a built-in webcam shield, fingerprint sensor, and IR Camera for secure logins. An LED-illuminated NumberPad can be instantly activated over the cursor area when you need to crunch numbers, while the backlit keyboard makes it easy to work in dark environments. And when it’s time for video conferences, ASUS noise-canceling technology and four omnidirectional far-field microphones ensure an optimal audiovisual experience.

2020-05-09 22:53:30

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