해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
LOL Surprise Present Surprise Series 2, Glitter Star Sign Doll with 8 Surprises - Colorful Fun Collectible Doll Playset with Doll Accessories Including Outfit - Birthday Gifts for Girls Ages 4-14

상품번호 B08FGKJ43Q
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상품구분 Toys & Games / Dolls & Accessories
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상품가격 $8.99
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Make sure this fits by entering your model number.SURPRISE DOLL: Unbox the perfect gift and 8 surprises with LOL Surprise Present Surprise Series 2, including an adorable 3" doll with glitter and shimmer details.WHAT'S YOUR STAR SIGN: Each Series 2 doll features all new, fierce dolls with outrageous accessories in a new theme. Each doll's look is inspired by a star sign and has glitter and shimmer details. Will you find your star sign.GIFTABLE PACKAGE: Each unique, geometric package comes already wrapped with a bow on top. Perfect for a present or as glittery party favor toys.WATER SURPRISES: Feed or bathe your collectible doll for a water surprise, including color change.UNBOX ACCESSORIES: Includes star sign themed accessories and a party hat for your doll.COLLECT THEM ALL. Collect 12 new characters, each with 8 surprises: (1) Secret Message; (2) Party Hat; (3) Bottle; (4-5) Accessories; (6) Fashion Clothes; (7) Shoes; (8) LOL Surprise Present Surprise doll. Excellent toy for kids, gift for imaginative play or play with friends.

2021-03-09 22:24:03

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