해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
BERMOODA RGB Corner Lamp, 356 Mood Lighting Modes, RGB Corner Floor Lamp, Premium LED Color Changing Floor Lamp with Remote (White)

상품번호 B08RQN2RGT
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상품가격 $108.93
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? Color-Changing Floor Lamp: Add a splash of color and illuminate your bedroom, home office, or living room with Bermooda RGB corner floor lamp. Personalize your space with mood lighting that creates an ambiance that you're in control of with Bermooda RGB Lamp?Corner Floor Lamp: Illuminate your room with Bermooda color changing lamp. RGB corner lamp with minimalist space saving design. The LED corner lamp with mood lighting rgb lights is a conversation starter that looks amazing in any space? Remote Controlled: The RGB Remote with memory functions allows you to easily cycle through different colors and lighting effects. RGB floor lamp allows your environment to become the canvas, and the multi-functional remote, the brush?️ Flicker Free Lights: RGB LED lamp, no glare, flicker-free, and dimmable. Easily adjust brightness and color intensity. Set the mood and make a statement with a modern corner lamp2 Year Warranty: At Bermooda we care about your experience with our products. To show we're here to help, we pledge to replace your product should anything go wrong. We continually test new packaging designs to meet the highest delivery standards

2021-04-06 12:57:19

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