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TRIASSIC TRIOPS - Deluxe Triops Kit, Contains Eggs, Aquarium, Food, Instructions and Helpful Hints to Hatch and Grow Your Own Prehistoric Creatures, Fun Educational Toy for Kids

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Make sure this fits by entering your model number.HATCH & GROW PREHISTORIC CREATURES: Triops are small swimming crustaceans. They have three eyes, a round shovel-shaped exoskeleton, and a shrimp-like tail. Because they look prehistoric and in fact are identical to their long-fossilized ancestors, they are sometimes called "dinosaur shrimp."DELUXE TRIOPS KIT: This deluxe kit contains everything you need to raise a family of Triops, including a covered tank, Triops eggs, food, nutrient packs, thermometer, fossil replica, magnifying glass, ruler, gravel, and glow beads. The Triops Deluxe kit includes everything you need but water to hatch and grow your own prehistoric creatures!GRATIFYING PETS FOR KIDS: What makes Triops gratifying as pets is that they hatch in 18-48 hours, quickly grow to their adult size of 1-2 inches, and have a lifespan of 20-90 days. Plus, they are easy to take care of, animated, and large enough to watch!USE THE RIGHT WATER: When getting started with your Triops, boil bottled water, and let it sit and completely cool before adding the eggs. This will help remove chlorine and any other impurities. You may also choose to try tap water, if you boil it and let it sit for 2 days in sun light. Add only 25 Triops eggs at a time to the environment, in case there is an issue with the water, and you need to start again.HELPFUL HINTS: Each Deluxe Triops Kit Contains an Aquarium, Eggs, Food, Instructions and Helpful Hints. Triassic Triops are sold around the world and often used for educational purposes for small children all the way up to college kids. This kit includes helpful hints and instructions that will ensure you successfully hatch and grow these prehistoric creatures. Take your time and Follow the helpful hints and instructions and grow your own Triops!

2022-01-07 23:34:18

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