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SAT Vocabulary Study Cards 2025-2026: SAT and PSAT Verbal Test Prep [700+ Vocab Terms]

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상품가격 $39.99
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Ready to Use: These flash cards come ready to use so you can start studying immediately.Color Coded: Each flash card is color coded for easy identification of the subject area.Includes Study Tips: Study tips are included to help maximize your exam prep!Improves Memorization: Flash cards are proven to improve memorization.Portable: These flash cards are easy to transport, making it convenient to study wherever you are.Sturdy Box Design: The cards come in a durable box that protects the cards and provides easy storage.
Test Prep Books\' SAT Vocabulary Study Cards: SAT Verbal Test Prep [600+ Vocab Terms] Developed by Test Prep Books for test takers trying to achieve a passing score on the SAT test, these study cards cover a comprehensive list of over 600 vocabulary words including: Verbs Adverbs Nouns Adjectives Prepositions Disclaimer: *SAT® is a trademark registered by the College Board, which is not affiliated with, and does not endorse, this product. These study cards are packed with features: Ready to Use: These study cards come ready to use so you can start studying immediately Includes Study Tips: Study tips are included to help maximize your exam prep! Improves Memorization: Study cards are proven to improve memorization Portable: These study cards are easy to transport, making it easy to study wherever you are Sturdy Box Design: The cards come in a durable box that protects the cards and provides easy storage. Each section of the test that is covered has study cards created by Test Prep Books with the high points of what you need to know that is likely to appear on the vocabulary section of the SAT exam. Anyone planning to take this exam should take advantage of these Test Prep Books SAT Vocabulary study cards.

2025-02-05 01:02:10

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