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Nana Puddin' Camp Nana Christian Version Bible Stories, Short Stories for Kids, Bible Songs, Moral Stories for Kids, Christian Music for kids, Children Movie for Kids, Music Video, Children Bible Stories, Talent, Smile, Animals

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Product Description The Nana Puddin Show, Camp Nana Christian Version DVD for children stars ventriloquists Dennis Lee and Nancy Burks, musician Doc Gibbs, and magical mailman Lyndy Phillips. Those talents are combined with a zany cast of loveable puppets, great original music, a live studio audience packed with children, and served with a generous helping of love. Larry the crocodile talks baby Mickee into running away from camp, and it\'s up to Dennis and the Nana Puddin\' bunch to search for the runaways while trying to hold down the fort at Camp Nana! They learn everyone has gifts and talents no matter how small. Review Every parent and grandparent wants their kids to grow up to be happy, good, productive winners in life. As a Children s Christian education Director, I have found the best way to teach kids to be good Christian, productive winners in life is to start as young as possible, make sure the kids have lots of fun while learning, and use music in their teaching. The entire series of Christian Nana Puddin DVDs uses all of these principles. Your kids will have so much fun while learning to be good, productive winners in life. Buy one and you will want the entire series. The entire series of Christian Nana Puddin DVDs include, Chill, Sing Along, Monkeys Only Club, Just a Butterfly, Red Ribbon Carnival, Count on Me, Sandpaper and Velvet, What s in a Name?, Sad-Mad-Glad, Bear in a Chair, Cooperation Ranch, Camp, Nana, Hitch your Wagon to a Star, Rock, River, Rainforest and Count on Me. Nana Puddin\' versions without Biblical tie in and references are also available for use in public schools --Jan greve, Pastor\'s Wife, Stephen Minister, Bible Study Fellowship Leader, Retired children\'s Christian Education Director About the Actor About the Actors: Dennis Lee is an award winning ventriloquist that is outstanding in entertaining and teaching children. His puppets and their open, happy attitudes will inspire your children. Dennis is much in demand as a kids entertainer and motivator. About the Actor: Nancy Burk is fun, interesting, educational...timely...and she ll make you laugh so hard your stomach will hurt! Many event-planners, schools, churches, and other say It s the best program we ve ever had! Storytelling and dialogue- based entertainment are activities that can transfer emotions and feelings and actually boost thinking capacity, helping children learn to make good decisions and understand cause-and-effect. If you re looking for a fun, entertaining DVD that teaches good character traits, Nana Puddin DVDs are for you. About the Musician: Doc Gibbs offers a variety of fun and inspirational programs for children : The most popular show is Nana Puddin, reminding children that they have gifts, talents, personalities, and unique abilities unlike anyone else in the whooooooole world!  Doc sings original songs that help children realize their own one-of-a-kind special-ness. And he shows the importance of making good choices to being successful. Doc is a published author, and presents a motivational message based on his book, I AM RESPONSIBLE. Citing the often spoken excuse, "It wasn\'t my fault," Doc answers, "Oh yes it was!" When it comes to life choices, we are the ones who make those choices. Success begins when we understand the role we play in charting the direction of the lives. See more

2025-02-05 02:05:11

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법인명 : (주)카고맥스 | 대표이사 : 허승철
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통신판매업신고번호 : 2015-경기성남-1454호 | 팩스 : 031-698-2302
개인정보관리책임자 : 최정원 | 대표이메일 : cargomax2015@gmail.com
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