해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Before the Blues 1 / Various

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상품가격 12.62
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Amazon.com Before the blues? If you take Webster\'s first definition--"Low spirits: melancholy"--well, then we\'re not talking pre-W.C. Handy. We\'re going back to Eve and the Apple. But, for Yazoo\'s three-disc Before the Blues series, it\'s safe to assume the anthologists worked off of the second definition: "A song of lamentation characterized by 12-bar phrases [and] 3-line stanzas in which the words of the second stanza repeat those of the first, and continual occurrence of blues hones in melody and harmony." That works. The 23-song first set in the series offers up a vastly entertaining assortment of rags, breakdowns, and shuffles. Some names may ring a bell with noncollectors (Henry Thomas, Mississippi John Hurt), and a few tunes have become a part of America\'s musical landscape (notably the eerie "Pretty Polly"). Most of what\'s found here, however, is unfamiliar, and fascinating. --Steven Stolder

2025-02-05 02:46:39

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