Praetorius: Dances from Terpsichore
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상품설명 If I read my Schwann catalog correctly, there are only three full CDs of Praetorius\'s Terpsichore , that exquisite early 17th-century disco collection, played on period instruments. This is a fine collection, up to date in performance practice and dancey enough in spirit. Unfortunately, it isn\'t much longer (50:30) than my other current favorite Terpsichore collection, by the New York Renaissance Band (Arabesque Z6531, 45:45). Perhaps these producers are worried that we\'ll wear ourselves out dancing to this music. But I find these bouncy pieces ideal to lift my spirits or to keep me alert nearly anytime. --Leslie Gerber If I read my Schwann catalog correctly, there are only three full CDs of Praetorius\'s Terpsichore , that exquisite early 17th-century disco collection, played on period instruments. This is a fine collection, up to date in performance practice and dancey enough in spirit. Unfortunately, it isn\'t much longer (50:30) than my other current favorite Terpsichore collection, by the New York Renaissance Band (Arabesque Z6531, 45:45). Perhaps these producers are worried that we\'ll wear ourselves out dancing to this music. But I find these bouncy pieces ideal to lift my spirits or to keep me alert nearly anytime. --Leslie Gerber

2025-02-05 02:51:21