해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Music for the Next Millennium

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Amazon.com One of the most important acts in the history of jungle, Omni Trio (actually one Rob Haigh) stood at a crossroads of drum & bass--between the rough and the smooth, hardcore and house--and insisted there was no need to choose a path; the intersection was more interesting than any straight-and-narrow road could be. His first album, Music for the Next Millennium found this Pere Ubu , dub, and krautrock fan subsuming his influences into something so palatable it\'s easy not to notice how radical his enthusiasms remained. On most tracks (including the famous "Renegade Snares," included here in two different mixes) Haigh utilizes something that has all but disappeared from jungle: female voices. That\'s the house influence in Omni Trio\'s music, the disembodied diva sent swirling around the stereo field. Right alongside are Haigh\'s beats, which are chopped up with mind-boggling finesse and reconstructed with a dazzling sense of audio depth perception--that\'s the \'ardkore, Augustus Pablo , and Jaki Liebezeit influence in the music. If jungle eventually decided not to follow Haigh\'s advice (basically, Yogi Berra\'s immortal quip about taking the fork in the road when you get to it), you can\'t blame the gorgeous music found here. --Jeff Salamon

2025-02-05 02:51:47

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사업자등록번호 : 501-87-00144 | 특별통관대상지정번호 : 20050101
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