해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
The Harry Smith Connection: A Live Tribute To The Anthology Of American Folk Music

상품번호 B000009Q0L
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상품가격 10.14
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Product Description Powerful new interpretations of Southern musical traditions, recorded live in October, 1997, at the Barns of Wolf Trap. These contemporary versions of songs that either appeared on the Grammy-Award winning Anthology of American Folk Music or are associated with its compiler, Harry Smith (tracks 9 and 19), are a wild mix of styles from "gangsta folk" to gospel, blues, Cajun, country rock, jug band, and more. A stellar group of musicians pays tribute to the past and dramatically demonstrates the enduring vitality of America’s traditional music. Extensive notes, discographies, and photographs. Produced by Pete Reiniger, Jeff Place and Bob Santelli, annotated by Jeff Place and Bob Santelli. Amazon.com If you just couldn\'t get enough of The Anthology of American Folk Music , here\'s the perfect companion CD. The Anthology is, of course, the celebrated 1997 reissued six-disc box that became the touchstone for modern folk music when it was originally put out by filmmaker and record collector Harry Smith in 1952. The Harry Smith Connection is culled from two October 1997 concerts at which performers tackled tracks from The Anthology , which consists of 84 recordings made between 1926 and 1933. Contributors include Roger McGuinn (backed by Wilco\'s Jeff Tweedy and Jay Bennett and sounding great), Dave Van Ronk, Ethel Caffie-Austin, and the New Lost City Ramblers. The affection the performers feel for these earthen songs is palpable. The songs themselves are unassailable. --Steven Stolder

2025-02-05 02:53:34

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