해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
A Child's Garden of Songs: The Poetry of Robert Louis Stevenson in Song

상품번호 B00000HZEB
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상품구분 CDs & Vinyl / Comedy & Spoken Word / Audio CD
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상품가격 8.01
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Product Description A Child\'s Garden of Songs: The Poetry of Robert Louis Stevenson in Song Amazon.com As a young Scotsman, the famous author Robert Louis Stevenson suffered a childhood of illness and frailty. As a result, Stevenson developed a rich inner life as well as an author\'s keen sense of observation. Much of A Child\'s Garden of Verses comes from this period of relative infirmity. And on A Child\'s Garden of Songs we most agreeably find these same charmingly insightful words set to music, sung and played by a cast of singers and musicians in fashions that range from whimsical ("Auntie\'s Skirts") to magical ("From a Railway Carriage") to wistful ("To Any Reader"). Written expressly for children, these poems breathe life into new worlds born of a love for language. Coupled with fine arrangements on Celtic pipes and strings, this is a fertile garden of enrichment for the whole family. --Paige La Grone Review Robert Louis Stevenson\'s children\'s poetry, timeless verses that so vividly describe the world of a child\'s imagination, are set to music by musician/producer Ted Jacobs with a Celtic flavor and lullaby rhythms. The poems about early summer bedtime, the wind and rain, playing pirate, shadow play and dreamy times are brought gently to life by child and adult singers. A 1999 Parents\' Choice Silver Honor Winner. (Lynne Heffley, Parents\' Choice®) -- From Parents\' Choice® See more

2025-02-05 02:54:19

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개인정보관리책임자 : 최정원 | 대표이메일 : cargomax2015@gmail.com
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