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Celtic Roots

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Product Description Musicians featured are Hesperus members:Tina Chancey - Treble (track # 6) and bass violas da gamba, fiddle (track # 1, 21) & recorder;Grant Herried - Lute, theorbo, early guitars and recorder;Scott Reiss - Recorders, whistle & hammered dulcimer;With special guests Bonnie Rideout - Scottish fiddle (Track # 3, 9, 14, 16, 17, 20 & 21);William Taylor - Wire harp (clarsach), Gothic "bray" harp;Philippe Varlet - Irish fiddle (Track #1, 7 & 12).Celtic Roots presents music of Ireland, Scotland and America from its earliest sources on traditional and early music instruments. Amazon.com On Celtic Roots , the early-music revivalists Hesperus perform a selection of English, Irish, and Scottish tunes drawn from the earliest printed sources, some of which date back to the 17th century. Hesperus eschew modern instruments to play this ancient music, favoring instead period instruments like lutes, recorders, theorbos, and violas da gamba as well as the now standard harps and violins. Their performances are historically informed but there is nothing stuffy or academic about the way they play. They attack the dance tunes with a vigor that would pass muster in the rowdiest pub session and play the slow airs with deep emotion. A lot of the music will be familiar to fans of Celtic music even if the instruments used to play it are not. Hesperus have performed a valuable service in reminding us that tunes like "Soldier\'s Joy," "Haste to the Wedding," and "Cary Owen" are a vital link to the past. --Michael Simmons Review "As elegant and virtuosic as you ll find No doubt about it, these people can play!" -- Boston Globe The second in the "Roots" series for Maggie\'s Music record label and another winner! (Early American Roots was the first) -- Washington Post From the Artist In Celtic Roots, we explore the earliest sources that preserve Scottish and Irish traditional music. We also look at the deep connections between that music and the music of England and America.Traditional music from Scotland and Ireland was first written down in Scottish and English courtly collections for the lute, viol, cittern, and virginal from the early 17th century. During the 18th and into the 19th centuries, the music appears in Irish, Scottish, and American "parlour-ized" versions for keyboard, as well as in collections for traditional instruments such as fiddle and pipes. Many tunes appeared in collections from two or more of the countries, demonstrating an active commerce in the folk music from Scotland and Ireland. Many tunes published in that period are still part of a living repertoire. If you happened upon a music session in a pub in Scotland or Ireland today, you might hear any of the tunes on this recording. They endure not only because they! were written down, but because of the living oral tradition that has continued unbroken these three hundred years. We have included several kinds of tunes in Celtic Roots: traditional tunes from old prints or manuscripts that are still part of the living tradition; pieces that might be placed in the "classical" or art tradition; and pieces that belong more to a genre of 18th- and 19th-century middle-class parlor or drawing room entertainment. About the Artist Scott Reiss & Tina Chancey, Co-directors Hesperus, named for Venus and the West Wind, creates a synthesis of living and historic musical traditions by exploring the cultural parallels between the Old World and the new. Pioneers of the crossover sound of Celtic and early music they formed in 1979 and tour throughout the world in a variety of shows including Baroque, American, Colonial, Celtic, medieval and renaissance music. They have 2 CDs on the Maggie\'s Music label - Early American Roots and Celtic Roots. which features Three- time US National Scottish fiddle champion Bonnie Rideout and selections from their CD Early American Root can be heard on the Hollywood blockbuster film- Tim Burton\'s \'Sleepy Hollow.\' HESPERUS’s recent touring venues have included the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, Weill Recital Hall at Carnegie Hall, the Misiones de Los Chiquitos Festival in Bolivia, the Great Performer’s Series at Lincoln Center and a five-week tour of the Far East for the United States Information Agency. The ensemble’s awards include two WAMMIEs from the Washington Area Music Association, the Logan Prize for Excellence in Educational Programming, the Music and Humanity Award from Music at Gretna, and the Baltimore Chamber Music Award. See more

2025-02-05 02:54:33

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