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Drum Medicine

상품번호 B00000JK1F
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Product Description Shaman drums from around the globe, soaring native flutes, guitars, Lakota chants, and natural environments awaken you to the dance of life. David & Steve Gordon, take you on this award-winning musical journey. With their world instruments and studio artistry, the Gordons have the power to en-trance and summon the sacred rhythms. The healing power of the drum moves you…to dance, to dream, to live! Triple Award Winner • Winner Visionary Record of the Year • Winner Visionary Best World Record • Winner New Age Voice Native Heart Award • Charted on Billboard’s New Age Top 20 Review "Another best selling Native-influenced release from the pioneering brothers of the New Age/World sound." -- Napra ReView "The Gordons have simply outdone themselves! They have crafted a more melodic, accessible album featuring a global-fusion sound" -- New Age Retailer "The beat can make you better. Drum Medicine has more melody and variety to soothe your senses." -- Whole Life Times "an unqualified success, combining tribal drums, native flutes, shamanic atmospheres, and nature sounds in a meaningful celebration of sacred dance." -- Lloyd Barde, Heartbeats About the Artist David and Steve Gordon have pioneered New Age/World music with their award-winning top charting albums for over twenty years. Their influential trademark sound, combining world instruments and sounds of nature has sold over one million units worldwide and has appeared on network TV and major motion picture scores such as the recent Fox Searchlight release, "Kissing Jessica Stein." Since founding Sequoia Records in 1982, the Gordon brothers have been breaking musical ground, consistently creating albums that top the charts, garner awards, and expand the boundaries of New Age and World music. "We like to think of our music as the music of Earth and Spirit, because we believe that one of the goals of being alive is to unite the two into one," explains Steve Gordon. Natives of Southern California, David and Steve Gordon both took an early interest in music. After studying classical music at Los Angeles Valley College and UCLA, the brothers both attended the Grove Music Academy where they studied modern harmony and jazz. They formed Sequoia Records in 1982 to release their first two albums Misty Forest Morning and Peaceful Evening. These albums combined music and nature so beautifully that they became known as definitive recordings of the newly emerging New Age music genre... Since these releases met with critical acclaim and healthy sales, over the next couple of years they recorded their next two music and nature titles, Radiant Sea and Still Waters. They next began experimenting with their music, developing a new style they called "Inner Environments", which they featured on two albums, Astral Journey and Celestial Suite. These recordings were some of the earliest examples of what is known today as Ambient/Space Music. In the early \'90\'s the brothers began to collect Tribal drums and studied the Native American flute. They envisioned a contemporary world music, combining traditional Native instruments, with guitar, keyboards, and sounds of nature into a new universal world groove. Their 1994 release Sacred Earth Drums successfully blended all of these elements, topping the New Age charts. This influential crossover recording reached #1 at all the New Age distributors immediately upon release, stayed there for over 3 years and even now remains high on distributors sales charts. In 1996, David and Steve went back into the studio and created the follow-up to Sacred Earth Drums, which they titled Sacred Spirit Drums. Immediately it began to receive enthusiastic reviews. Steve Ryals of New Age Retailer\'s Fresh Tracks said, "Each superb track flows into the next. Evocative, mysterious, sensual, and profoundly healing." In 1999 David and Steve inaugurated their new studio by creating Drum Medicine, which again became an immediate top seller on new age alternative distributors best selling lists and stayed in the top 5 for over 2 years. "With this new recording, we really wanted to explore the idea of the drum as a force for healing," said Steve. David adds, "There\'s a more diverse palette of sounds that draw from other cultures. We looked for musical themes in other cultures that resonated with the spiritual basics of the Native American culture." Carl McColman wrote in a feature interview for NAV Magazine, "The Gordon\'s may have launched out of a Native American sensibility, but as their music has flowered, it has become truly a universal indigenous sound - for all people of the earth, from all cultures." This is precisely what they will continue to do. To celebrate their 20th Anniversary in March 2002, they released Sacred Drum Visions, a collection of favorite tracks from their best-selling world drumming titles, which also included 3 brand new songs which continue to expand upon their signature contemporary world music sound. See more

2025-02-05 02:55:33

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