해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Tiger Woods PGA Tour Collection - PC

상품번호 B00004XRB9
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상품구분 Video Games / PC
브랜드 Brand: EA Sports
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 29.99
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Amazon.com The best value in computer golf brings you revolutionary Internet play and enough courses to play an entire golf season. Choose to play as or against Tiger Woods or seven other PGA Tour professionals, including Mark O\'Meara (1998 Masters and British Open champion), Lee Janzen (1998 and 1993 U.S. Open champion), and Davis Love III (1997 PGA champion). Play on 15 courses, including Pebble Beach Golf Links, TPC at Summerlin, The Bay Hill Club, TPC at Las Colinas, TPC of Scottsdale, Las Vegas Country Club, and Poppy Hills. The game features a wide range of play modes, from practice to tournament, and includes Internet tournament play. From the Manufacturer The Tiger Woods PGA Tour Collection is the best value in computer golf. EA Sports is bringing the most advanced golf game for the PC together with the its entire golf course library. Since you can choose from one of 8 PGA Tour pros to play on one of the 16 golf courses included, the game options are endless.

2025-02-05 02:58:51

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