해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Smead End Tab Fastener File Folder, Shelf-Master® Reinforced Straight-Cut Tab

상품번호 B00006IF44
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상품가격 $36.48
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ENHANCED ORGANIZATION: Straighten up your files and keep documents organized with this set of 50 letter size (12-1/4" x 9-1/2") end tab folders with metal fasteners and Shelf-Master tabs that are readable when folders are placed on shelvingESSENTIAL AND RELIABLE: Keep all your important documents organized and secure with these sturdy 11-point manila stock Shelf-Master file folders; double-thick straight-cut 9-1/2” end tabs provide room for multiple labels and streamlined organizationSECURE AND EXPANDABLE: Two 2\'\' prong B-style metal fasteners on the front and back panels create two separate filing surfaces; 3/4" expansion capacity adapts to your growing storage needs holding approximately 100-150 sheets of standard 20 lb paperPRACTICAL AND VERSATILE: A classic, affordable and reliable solution for home, office, and school; perfect for bills, projects, correspondence, vehicle records, recipes, client or student information, and more; essential paperwork organizerSUSTAINABLE AND MADE IN USA: These folders are proudly made in the USA and contain 10% recycled content and 10% post-consumer material; SFI certified, reflecting Smead\'s commitment to environmental responsibility

2025-02-05 03:03:06

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