해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Bass Pro Shops: The Strike Bundle with Fishing Rod -Xbox 360

상품번호 B00007LUPY
상품상태 New    
상품구분 Video Games / Legacy Systems
브랜드 Brand: Psyclone Games
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 79.95
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Fishing Rod Controller: Whether casting, jigging, setting the hook, or reeling a fish in, players will be amazed by the sensitivity and feedback their fishing rod controller provides.Four modes of entertaining and competitive gameplay. The Strike is perfect for quick and friendly competitions with up to 4 players.Ten of North America\'s greatest lakes are depicted, so players can easily recognize key landmarks and find their favorite fishing spots.The Strike features a large variety of fresh water fish, including Largemouth Bass, Smallmouth Bass, Striped Bass, Walleye and more. Each lake contains a legendary fish of record proportions that will challenge even the best players.Players can tailor their equipment by going to the Bass Pro Shops in-game store to select lures, rods and reels. Players can also win new boats by winning tournaments.
The Strike combines authentic environments based on real lakes, engaging gameplay with accurate fish and lure behaviors, and a highly interactive fishing pole controller that allows players an immersive fishing adventure. Players can enjoy 3 different game-play modes including Quick Fish, Career and Bass Pro Shops Invitational Tournament, or compete with friends in mini games like boat races and casting challenges.  The lifelike fishing pole peripheral lets the player cast, jig, set the hook, and fight as if a real fish were on the other end of the line. The game takes players to some of North America’s most famous fishing hot spots and features eleven types of game fish including Largemouth, Smallmouth, and Striped Bass as well as Northern Pike and Muskie.  In addition, realistic lake bottom topography, real-time time–of-day light effects, advanced graphics, and authentic fishing gear from the Bass Pro Shops stores, all combine to offer virtual anglers the most comprehensive fishing game experience to-date.

2025-02-05 03:03:59

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