해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Piglet's Big Game - PlayStation 2

상품번호 B00008J2UY
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상품구분 Video Games / Legacy Systems
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상품가격 42.10
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Product description Piglet\'s friends are having nightmares and only you can stop them. With a magical telescope, you must peer into your friends\' dreams and scare away evil Heffalumps and Woozles. Pooh, Roo, Owl, Eeyore, Rabbit, and Tigger are all in this dreamworld that spans seven different worlds. As Piglet, Pooh, and Tigger, you\'ll solve puzzles, make scary faces, and find Christopher Robin\'s balloons. Piglet\'s friends always tease him for being timid, but now it\'s his chance to prove his bravery. Amazon.com Piglet may be small, but not only does he star in his own movie, but he\'s also got his own video game. Toddle along with him in Piglet\'s Big Game , as he adventures through his friends\' dreams. The premise is pretty simple, and so are the controls, though you may find those Woozles get the better of you on occasion. While Piglet\'s friends are sleeping, he enters their dreams and helps them with their troubles--Pooh can\'t find any honey, Tigger\'s lost his stripes, and Eeyore\'s so sad that all the colors have disappeared from his dream. On his journeys to help the gang, Piglet must be very brave and show those pesky Heffalumps and Woozles that he\'s not afraid. Luckily, Piglet can collect cookies in the oddest of places (popping out of a tree?) and trade them in for brave faces. The game has nicely-designed, simple, colorful graphics and some of the dreams are quite ingenious. Of course Pooh dreams he lives in a candyland, and it\'s awfully fun to run through paths of gumdrops and licorice twists. Overall, Piglet\'s Big Game is an enjoyable romp, though tots may find braving the Woozles quite challenging at times. Stay brave, and attentive, and Piglet will prove his heroism. --Maile Bohlmann Pros: Colorful, fun graphics Classic Pooh-and-the-gang characters Simple controls for young kids Cons: Crafty, circling Woozles may get the better of young players It\'s necessary to collect all cookies, which can get monotonous

2025-02-05 03:05:35

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