해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Now That's What I Call Music! The Best Videos of 2003 [DVD]

상품번호 B0000E32VG
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상품구분 CDs & Vinyl / Indie & Alternative / DVD
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상품가격 $12.78
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Product Description Tracklisting: 1.My Love Is Like Whoa- Mya 2.Beautiful- Snoop Dogg 3.Bump, Bump, Bump- B2K 4.In Those Jeans- Ginuwine 5.Sweetest Sin- Jessica Simpson 6.More To Life- Stacie Orrico 7.Big Yellow Taxi- Counting Crows/VC 8.Lights Out- Lisa Marie Presley 9.Going Under- Evanescence 10.When I\'m Gone- 3 Doors Down 11.Just Because- Janes Addiction 12.Always- Saliva 13.Straight Out Of Line- Godsmack 14.Clocks- Coldplay 15.Calling All Angels- Train Amazon.com Whether the 15 videos in this hourlong compilation really comprise the best that 2003 had to offer, as advertised, is arguable--but whatever it is that you call music, you\'ll likely find something appealing. The selection pretty well runs the gamut; it\'s actually quite a stretch from, say, the frivolous little pop hooks of Jessica Simpson\'s "Sweetest Sin" to the pounding rock riffage of Godsmack\'s "Straight Out of Line." About half of the videos are all about sex, with gorgeous young women either as performers (Mya\'s "My Love is Like... Wo," Lisa Marie Presley\'s "Lights Out") or props (Snoop Dogg\'s "Beautiful," Ginuwine\'s "In Those Jeans"); then come the rage, dread, and unsettling sounds and images of the likes of Evanescence\'s "Going Under," Jane\'s Addiction\'s "Just Because," and the Godsmack piece. All in all, the videos are hardly what you\'d call genre-defining. But there\'s certainly an hour\'s worth of entertainment to be found here. --Sam Graham

2024-07-11 22:27:30

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