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Clean + Easy Remove - After Wax Remover for the Skin with Wheat Germ Oil, Post Waxing Cleanser, 16 oz

상품번호 B0001J1R48
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상품가격 8.95
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Emollient-rich post-depilatory wax remover that eliminates any trace of excess wax remaining on the skin. Gently yet effectively removes wax residue without stripping or drying highly sensitive skin after waxing. A must-have for a mess-free waxing experience.Infused with Wheat Germ Oil to moisturize and hydrate skin. It helps soothe skin irritation, calm itchiness, and reduce redness and swelling. Also contains Vitamins A and E for skin-nourishment. Suitable for all skin types.Can be used to clean, degrease, and disinfect roller heads, wax warmers, and other waxing tools and equipment. Also provides rust-protection for metal accessories. It keeps waxing instruments germ-free and ready for the next use.Convenient 16 oz oil-based wax cleanser ensures hygienic waxing anytime, anywhere. Clear and odorless liquid, you can bring even on-the-go. Ideal for at-home and salon use.Pro-approved, the go-to brand for hair removal and waxing products. Clean + Easy products are 100% cruelty-free, never tested on animals.

2025-02-05 03:09:55

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