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KitchenAid RRK150BK 5 Qt. Artisan Series Stand Mixer - Imperial Black (Renewed)

상품번호 B0001ZYYKQ
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상품가격 399.99
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This Certified Refurbished product is tested & certified by KitchenAid to look and work like-new. The product includes original accessories, and is backed by a 6-month warrantyThis Certified Refurbished product is tested & certified by [Manufacturer Name] to look and work like-new. The product includes all original accessories, and is backed by a [Warranty-Length] warranty325-watt mixer with 10 speeds; 5-quart stainless steel bowlTilt-back head for easy access to mixtureIncludes flat beater, dough hook, and wire whip; pouring shield not includedMeasures 14 by 8-2/3 inches by 14 inches
Product Description Factory Reconditioned Model Amazon.com KitchenAid\'s Artisan stand mixer is a substantial piece of equipment: 325 watts of mixing power make child\'s play of creaming butter, kneading dough, and whipping cream. The kid in you will appreciate how quick and easy it is to mix up a batch of cookie dough. This model comes with three attachments: a flat beater for making batter, meat loaf, and all textures in-between; a wire whip for egg whites, mayonnaise, and more air-infused creations; and a hook for mixing and kneading yeast doughs. All three are solidly constructed and easily secured to the beater shaft with a simple twist. The bowl itself locks tight to the base. Standing about 15 inches high, jutting out a foot, and weighing more than a grown woman\'s bowling ball, this stand mixer isn\'t the sort of appliance you\'ll wipe down and put away. Better to find a square foot of free counter space for easy access; besides, this machine is as pretty as it is rugged--you\'ll want to show it off. --Betsy Danheim Editor\'s note: This is a reconditioned small appliance. Reconditioned generally means that the appliance has been returned to the manufacturer, who brings the appliance back to like-new condition. Some appliances may contain cosmetic blemishes.

2025-02-05 03:10:52

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