해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Niagara Cutter N52206 Cobalt Steel Square Nose End Mill, Inch, Weldon Shank, Uncoated (Bright) Finish, Finishing Cut, 30 Degree Helix, 4 Flutes, 0.750" Cutting Diameter, 0.500" Shank Diameter

상품번호 B00075NIDE
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상품가격 $44.17
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4 Flute design for creating finer finishes and creating a higher metal removal rateGeneral purpose end mill for working on all types of materialsCobalt steel tools are similar to high-speed steel, but with more cobalt for improved performance when cutting harder metals such as stainless steel or nickel alloysUncoated end mills feature just the base substrate without any additional treatment or coatings and are suitable for a wide range of applicationsCenter Cutting End Mills are designed with "End Teeth" making these ideal for applications such as profiling and slotting
The Niagara Cutter SPC408 uncoated (bright) cobalt steel square nose end mill has a 30-degree helix for milling a wide range of materials, including high-temperature alloys. The number of flutes varies; fewer flutes provide better chip-carrying capacity, while more flutes produce a finer finish. The cobalt steel substrate can be run at faster speeds and stays sharp longer than high-speed steel tools, while offering greater resistance to heat and abrasion. With no coating or surface treatment, this uncoated tool can be used on a broad range of materials. The 30-degree helix angle supports general-purpose applications. It balances lower angles’ strong cutting edge for difficult-to-machine materials with higher angles’ increased cutting action. The tool’s square end has straight cutting edges that create sharp, unrounded cuts, while the center-cutting design has cutting teeth at the end of the tool that support making pocket cuts, profiling, and slotting. Cutting diameter tolerance is +0.001” to -0.000”. The end mill has a Weldon shank. End mills are designed to remove material and create multi-dimensional shapes and profiles. They have cutting edges along the outside diameter and flutes that remove chips from the cutting area and allow cooling fluids to enter. If heat is not reduced effectively, the tool’s cutting edges will dull and additional material buildup can occur. The number of flutes can range from two to eight. Two-flute designs offer the most efficient chip removal, but more flutes provide a smoother finish. The shank is the end of the tool held in place by a tool holder or machine. Center-cutting end mills can create three-dimensional shapes and profiles, and make plunge cuts similar to a drill bit. Non-center-cutting end mills are for applications such as peripheral milling and finishing, but cannot make plunge cuts. Niagara Cutter has been designing and manufacturing precision cutting tools since 1954. Specializing in end mills, cutting mills, and saws, the company is based in New York and manufactures its tools at facilities in Pennsylvania and Massachusetts. This allows the company control over production, from substrate to coating, which is essential for customers in a variety of industries, especially aerospace and automotive.

2024-10-31 02:33:20

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