해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Bikini Zone Medicated After Shave Crème - Helps Stop Shave Bumps & Irritation - Gently Formulated Cream for Bikini & Delicate Areas - Use after Shaving, Waxing, or Depilation - Dye-Free (1 oz, 1 Pack)

상품번호 B0009R14YK
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상품가격 $8.99
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Lidocaine HCl 2% Numbs Irritation & Pain - Bikini Zone Medicated After Shave Crème contains 2% Lidocaine HCl. We include this as the first line of relief for post-hair removal skin tenderness. Lidocaine provides temporary numbing relief for pain and irritation when applied to the skin.Stop Embarrassing Shave Bumps - Bikini Zone Medicated After Shave Crème is formulated with aloe vera, salicylic acid, and lactic acid to help reduce the appearance of unwanted shave bumps, redness, and irritation that comes from your favorite method of hair removal. This medicated cream goes gently and smoothly and absorbs instantly. With consistent use, you should notice smoother skin without bumps or irritation.Feel Fast Acting Cooling Relief - Bikini Zone Medicated After Shave Crème includes Menthol and Camphor to give fast, temporary relief to any irritation you may encounter after shaving, waxing, depilating, razor burn, or laser hair removal. This cooling sensation will feel refreshing and let you know the cream is working.Stain Free Formula is Safe for Daily Use - Bikini Zone\'s Medicated After Shave Crème contains zero dyes to guarantee it won\'t stain your clothing or sheets. Apply the cream evenly to the area immediately following hair removal. It will absorb quickly and helps keep skin smooth all year long with consistent use.Easy to Use for Dependable Results - Use Bikini Zone Medicated After Shave Crème immediately after hair removal. Our product works best on dry, clean skin. Apply the smallest amount possible to areas that show irritation or bumps. Recommended for use by those over the age of 12. Repeat as necessary, but no more than 4 times a day.

2024-04-04 20:18:44

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