해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
OurPets DuraPet Premium Dishwasher Safe Stainless Steel Dog Bowl for Food or Water [Multiple Sizes for Small to Large Dogs] in Traditional or Wide Base Design - 2.25 Cup

상품번호 B0009YUF2A
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상품구분 Pet Supplies / Dogs
브랜드 Brand: OurPet\'s
판매자 미확인
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $9.95
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MADE OF HEAVYWEIGHT DURABLE STAINLESS STEEL: Durable, long lasting stainless steel bowl offers a healthy alternative to plastic that is easy to cleanPATENTED SKID-PROOF BOTTOM: The OurPets DuraPet stainless steel dog food bowl is a top-of-the-line design at an affordable price. To prevent skidding, we added a permanent silicone bonded ring to the bottom. This design prevents sliding and tipping during feeding timeCHEW RESISTANT: Unlike plastic dog bowls, stainless steel bowls are chew resistant, making them a great dog dishes for puppies, dogs who like to chew and particularly for aggressive chewers.DISHWASHER SAFE: Dishwasher-safe for easy cleaning. Rust resistant, hygienic and doesn’t hold odorsAVAILABLE IN SIX SIZES BASED ON THE AMOUNT OF DRY FOOD BOWL CAN STORE: 1.25 Cups, 2.25 Cups, 5 Cups, 7 Cups, 11 Cups, and 13 Cups
OurPet`s Durapet Bowls are made of high quality, heavy duty stainless steel with a permanently bonded rubber ring in the base that prevents sliding and undesirable noise.

2024-09-06 08:02:38

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