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Royal Albert Hall London May 2-3-5-6 2005

상품번호 B000AYEIZY
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Product Description Cream, the legendary band of Ginger Baker, Jack Bruce and Eric Clapton, performed for the first time in 37 years in May 2005. One of the most highly anticipated reunions in rock, the concert at London\'s Royal Albert Hall-where the band played its farewell show November 26, 1968-returned to the stage the trio that forever changed rock \'n\' roll. Now the best of those historic peformances are available on Royal Albert Hall London May 2-3-5-6 2005 . This is classic Classic Rock. A companion DVD is being released utilizing different takes of the same tracks. Amazon.com After a 37 year absence Cream reformed in May 2005 for a series of concerts at the Royal Albert Hall, the stage of their last UK performance. As befitting a trio whose focus was always squarely on the music, they emerge to no fanfare, briefly test their instruments and launch into the perfectly apt "I\'m So Glad." Drawing from each of their four studio albums, they revisit the songs for their inherent resonance and as a springboard for their instrumental interplay. There\'s no need to update the material, as it all still fits each of the three men like a thousand dollar suit. Bruce\'s vocals still soar with operatic bearing, Clapton sounds energized, freed from the production cushioning on his own recordings, and Baker, now in his mid-sixties, can still dazzle with his solo turn on "Toad." --David Greenberger

2024-07-11 19:02:28

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