해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Alpha Industries MA-1 NASA Bomber Flight Jacket - Fighter Pilot Flight Jacket

상품번호 B000BZ9MYE
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상품가격 9999999
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Shell: 100% Flight Nylon; Lining: 100% Nylon; Fill: 100% PolyesterImportedDry Clean OnlyAUTHENTIC DESIGN - Take to the stars with the authentic MA-1 NASA astronaut flight jacket! This replica NASA bomber jacket features patches of the 100th Space Shuttle Mission, NASA, and the American flag for you to show off your support for the space-age explorers that have come before.INDIVIDUAL STYLE - Signature “Remove Before Flight” red hang tag on the sleeve utility pencil pocket and the Alpha Industries logo on the zig-zag zipper extension let you show off your style. NASA patches on the chest and sleeve. Knit rib cuffs, collar, and waistband, two lower flap pockets, two interior welt pockets, and shirred sleeves round out the look.FORM & FUNCTION - Reversible flight jacket with water-resistant nylon on both sides and double zipper pulls. Staying true to its original design, the MA-1 interior reverses to an Emergency Orange lining that was originally designed for downed pilots to signal for help.FIT & RECOMMENDED USE - MA-1 flight jacket has a Core fit with extra room in the body and sleeves and sits just above the hip at waist length. Perfect as a layering piece in mild or moderate weather.MATERIALS & CARE INSTRUCTIONS - 100% Flight nylon shell, 100% nylon lining, and 100% polyester fill. Dry clean only.
This Replica Blue NASA jacket features the 100th Space Shuttle Mission and American flag patches to show off your patriotic tendencies. This genuine astronaut flight jacket also boasts an Alpha signature utility or pencil pocket, a knit collar, cuffs and waistband to keep in warmth, as well as a 100% water repellent, nylon satin flight shell with polyester interlining.

2020-05-11 02:10:38

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