해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Newborn 189D Drip-Free Super Ratchet Rod Cradle Caulking Gun, 1/10 Gallon Cartridge, 6:1 Thrust Ratio

상품번호 B000FPCCBA
상품상태 New    
상품구분 Tools & Home Improvement / Power & Hand Tools
브랜드 Brand: Newborn
판매자 미확인
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $8.05
상품가격 상세보기

Steel half-barrel (also called cradle) frame caulking gun for 1/10-gal. cartridgesThrust ratio of 6:1 for use with medium viscosity materialsRatchet-style pressure rod has teeth to hold the rod in place after each pull of the trigger for minimizing dripsRod retracts after each pull of the trigger to help prevent drippingWelded plate in back for securing cartridge in place
The Newborn 189D Drip-Free Super Ratchet Rod Cradle caulking gun has a steel half-barrel frame that fits 1/10-gal. cartridges and has a 6:1 thrust ratio for use with medium viscosity materials such as silicone. The ratchet-style pressure rod has teeth that hold the rod in place after each pull of the trigger. For thinner materials, this helps minimize drips. The rod retracts after each pull of the trigger, removing pressure from the tube, which also helps prevent dripping. There is a welded plate in the back for securing the cartridge in place. The hook on the back allows it to hang on a ladder, and a seal puncture tool and a spout cutter are built into the side of the gun for opening cartridges without a knife. Caulking guns, also called caulk or cartridge guns, dispense a controlled flow of products such as caulk, sealants, and adhesives from a tube or cartridge. A manual caulking gun consists of a frame which holds the tube, a trigger, and a rod which moves forward when the trigger is depressed, dispensing the product. Manual caulking guns have a thrust ratio; the higher the thrust ratio, the easier it is to dispense the caulk, sealant, or adhesive. Air-powered or pneumatic caulking guns also have a frame and a trigger, but are used with an air pressure regulator that pushes the product from the tube using air pressure instead of a rod. Newborn Brothers Company, Inc. manufactures sealant and adhesive dispensers and accessories. The company was founded in 1974 and is headquartered in Jessup, MD.

2024-02-13 12:26:55

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