해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Dingo DDB99033 Dynostix Rawhide Treats, White,3-Count

상품번호 B000FPKZSM
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상품구분 Pet Supplies / Dogs
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상품가격 $6.62
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Real Meat Jerky Wrapped In Compressed RawhideBig Taste Dogs Love3 Count PackagePackaging May VaryThe original meat in the middle chew.Real chicken jerky wrapped in white rawhide.Helps promote healthy teeth by preventing tartar build-up.Item is 1 pack of 3 Dyno stixs, 3.2 Ounce
Product Description The Dingo brand combines powerful flavors and benefits to create bones, chews and treats that are sure to keep you and your dog wanting more. With a wide variety of shapes and flavors, there are options for any size companion. Dogs love the great taste of Dingo rawhide chews made with real chicken. Dingo Dynostix are a unique blend of premium rawhide and real chicken, wrapped together in a tasty chew stick to give your dog the ultimate rawhide treat. Unlike standard rawhide, Dingo Dynostix deliver the irresistible flavor of real chicken your dog craves. Dingo Dynostix are a great source of protein for your pup and have no fillers or artificial binders. These healthy, fun chews promote clean teeth from the natural action of chewing. Your pup will love the unique shape and great flavor that is packed into each stick. Keep the chews fresh with the resealable bag. Amazon.com The Story Behind the Bone In the 1990\'s, the Dingo brand started with a man named Les and his dog, Dingo. Like most dogs, Dingo had an instinctual need to chew, and to his owner\'s dismay, Dingo enjoyed gnawing on furniture and destroying shoes. In hopes of fixing Dingo\'s behavioral problems, Les attempted replacing shoes with rawhide bones. Unfortunately, Dingo was not a fan of these traditional rawhide chews. Rather than giving up hope, Les searched for an alternate solution. Coincidentally, Les\'s wife worked for a jerky company, and Dingo loved the jerky treats. Due to Dingo\'s adoration of the jerky, Les began soaking the traditional rawhide bones in water and filling them with jerky, leaving some jerky around the edges for Dingo to see. And with that, the Dingo bone was born. Finally, Dingo had a treat that he loved, while still being able to fulfill his chewing needs. Now your dog can enjoy the original Dingo chew in the form of mini bones. The Healthy Treat Dogs Love The traditional rawhide bone is a durable, edible bone that serves as a common treat for dogs. With the Dingo Mini Packs, dogs reap the dental benefits of teeth cleansing and gum conditioning, while also enjoying the meaty flavor that the Dingo bone ensures. Because all Dingo bones are hand tied with real meat in the middle, they provide the highest quality treat for your dog. This treat is both easily digestible and soft enough not to damage dogs\' teeth, making it a safe and healthy bone that your dog will love. One of a Kind In 1997, the Dingo brand was granted a patent for the single most logical improvement on the rawhide dog chew in thirty years. Due to its meat in the middle quality, the Dingo bone is the only product of its kind on the market. This allows dogs to experience a unique treat that\'s innovation and uniqueness separates it from traditional rawhide bones. Although competitors have attempted to mimic the Dingo bone, no other product combines rawhide with real meat in the middle to create a longer-lasting treat that encourages your dog to chew through the entire bone. Dingo comes in various types! Dingo comes in different shapes, flavors and functional forms: Dingo Knotted Bones Dingo Rolls, Chips & Twists Dingo Novelty Shapes Dingo Naturals Dingo Soft & Chewy Dingo Healthy & Flavorful Chews Dingo Dental Tartar Control Dingo Dental Total Care Dingo Dental Fresh Breath Dingo Munchy

2024-11-26 15:03:44

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